Over the last few months i installed and used 3 network cards under xp. My problem is that xp doesnt delete the profiles of the uninstalled cards in the registry. It just continues to add numbers to every new card (of the same brand) i install. Since all cards were D-Link's i now have 3 D-Link Network Cards with the same name to choose from in some programs. Only 1 of them is actually active (and working fine so far).
To sum it up:
1 card installed and active physically
3 cards in the registry and shown by some programs
Is there an easy way to delete the old cards from the registry?
I already searched for the names in the registry but there are tons of entries and many are linked with other stuff like pci-device id's and protocols so i didnt dare to lay hands on them yet...
Thanks in advance!
Over the last few months i installed and used 3 network cards under xp. My problem is that xp doesnt delete the profiles of the uninstalled cards in the registry. It just continues to add numbers to every new card (of the same brand) i install. Since all cards were D-Link's i now have 3 D-Link Network Cards with the same name to choose from in some programs. Only 1 of them is actually active (and working fine so far).
To sum it up:
1 card installed and active physically
3 cards in the registry and shown by some programs
Is there an easy way to delete the old cards from the registry?
I already searched for the names in the registry but there are tons of entries and many are linked with other stuff like pci-device id's and protocols so i didnt dare to lay hands on them yet...
Thanks in advance!