- ad Block
-ad eff date
Bskt_ut_hst (Aggregrate table for entire basket)
- Basket ID (Store, Lane, Date, transaction number)
- sales amount
- sales qty
- cost
- discount
bskt_p_upc hst
-Basket ID (Store, Lane, Date, transaction number)
- UPc
- sales amount
- sales qty
- cost
Ad Block
Count of Baskets
Avg Sales per basket (includes all upc in a basket from Bskt_ut_Hst )
Avg Sales Qty per Basket (includes all upc in basket from bskt_ut_hst)
avg Direct margin per Basket (includes all upc in basketfrom
formule for basket level : sales amount - (cost + discount)
avg sales per upc (for only the promotion upc from bskt_p_upc hst)
avg sales QTY per upc (for only the promotion upc from bskt_p_upc hst)
avg Direct margin per upc (for only the promotion upc from bskt_p_upc
formula for dm upc level: sales amount - cost
the 'per basket' metrics have the following dimensionality
Basket filter standard group standard
upc filter ignore group none
ad block filter ignore group none
other wise i get dimensionality error due to discount not being at
upc level
When ever i try to run the report the 'per basket' metrics are not able
to roll up ie basket are not able to group by each ad block ie i get
the same value for each ad block
any suggestions to solve this problem
- ad Block
-ad eff date
Bskt_ut_hst (Aggregrate table for entire basket)
- Basket ID (Store, Lane, Date, transaction number)
- sales amount
- sales qty
- cost
- discount
bskt_p_upc hst
-Basket ID (Store, Lane, Date, transaction number)
- UPc
- sales amount
- sales qty
- cost
Ad Block
Count of Baskets
Avg Sales per basket (includes all upc in a basket from Bskt_ut_Hst )
Avg Sales Qty per Basket (includes all upc in basket from bskt_ut_hst)
avg Direct margin per Basket (includes all upc in basketfrom
formule for basket level : sales amount - (cost + discount)
avg sales per upc (for only the promotion upc from bskt_p_upc hst)
avg sales QTY per upc (for only the promotion upc from bskt_p_upc hst)
avg Direct margin per upc (for only the promotion upc from bskt_p_upc
formula for dm upc level: sales amount - cost
the 'per basket' metrics have the following dimensionality
Basket filter standard group standard
upc filter ignore group none
ad block filter ignore group none
other wise i get dimensionality error due to discount not being at
upc level
When ever i try to run the report the 'per basket' metrics are not able
to roll up ie basket are not able to group by each ad block ie i get
the same value for each ad block
any suggestions to solve this problem