I'm trying to use Tcl to open a socket from an HP-UX11 machine to a server running
on a Windows NT platform. In the code, the key line is a check of errno to see its
value, which should be EINPROGRESS. The errno variable in the code returns a 0
after the connect, but doing a 'perror()' shows that errno is actually EINPROGRESS.
It appears that the errno object referenced through Tcl is not the true global errno used by the system. Is there a way to resolve this? I've tried linking my Tcl library
with various options [-B symbolic] [+s] [+b/dir], and a thorough search of the include
files have not resulted in any success in identifying or solving this problem.
on a Windows NT platform. In the code, the key line is a check of errno to see its
value, which should be EINPROGRESS. The errno variable in the code returns a 0
after the connect, but doing a 'perror()' shows that errno is actually EINPROGRESS.
It appears that the errno object referenced through Tcl is not the true global errno used by the system. Is there a way to resolve this? I've tried linking my Tcl library
with various options [-B symbolic] [+s] [+b/dir], and a thorough search of the include
files have not resulted in any success in identifying or solving this problem.