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multiple email domains

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Technical User
Apr 16, 2003

We have two domains xyz.com and abc.com in windows 2000 and exchange 2000 server.We have our own DNS server.We are now using xyz.com domain for email.I want some users to receive emails on both domains.I did the necessary procedures on exchange server but still cannot use abc.com domain successfully.Is there anything to do on dns server so that both domains will be active.
Thanks for any help
Do you have an MX record in DNS for both domains pointing to your Exchange server's IP address?

Thank you for your response.
yes.I have an Mx record in DNS pointing to both domains
Does the MX records for both domains point at your Exchange server? Is your exchange server configured to accept mail for both domains? What happens when someone tries to send mail to abc.com?

Is the mail being bounced, delivered ... what? Give us a clue!


Chris Andrew, CCNA, CCSA
1- We can receive and send emails through xyz.com.But when anybody try to send us an email using abc.com he gets an error message:
" Delivery to the following recipients failed" and the diagonostic code will be :
"smtp;550 Unknown local part " and he can not send the email.
2- Exchange Server is configured to accept email from both domains.
3- I operated nslookup like this
default server: server1.xyz.com
address: x.x.x.x

server: server1.xyz.com

Name: xyz.com
Addresses: x.x.x.x, x.x.x.h, x.x.x.j, x.x.x.k, x.x.x.l

server: server1.xyz.com
address: x.x.x.x

Name: abc.com

>set type=mx
the result will be:

server: server1.xyz.com
address: x.x.x.x
primarry name server: server1.abc.com
responsible mail address: admin
refresh: 900 (15 min)
retry: 600 (10 min)
expire: 86400 (1 day)
default TTL: 900 (15 min)
the result will be:

server: server1.xyz.com
address:x.x.x.x(the same address as above)
abc.com MX preference=10, mail exchanger=xyz.com
xyz internet address = x.x.x.x
xyz internet address = x.x.x.h
xyz internet address = x.x.x.j
xyz internet address = x.x.x.k
xyz internet address = x.x.x.l

because in xyz we have many hosts
I operated this command in nslookup
>ls -d xyz.com
the MX line was:

server1 MX 10 xyz

> ls -d abc.com
the MX line was:

abc MX 10 xyz
What are the authoritative dns servers for your 2 domains? Have you tried the same nslookup query on those servers?
We have One physical DNS server that has the 2 domains and so I tried the nslookup on this server for the 2 domains as illustrated above.
You didn't answer my question.

What are the authoritative DNS servers for your domains? Is it your own DNS server? Or is it set to your registrar's DNS servers? Or to a third party DNS provider?
The first domain is .ca and makes no match
The second domain is .com and under "domain Servers in listed order" : it is blank ;no dns servers.
Does this indicate anything.
What are the two domains?


Chris Andrew, CCNA, CCSA
Yes, it indicates that your registrar has no DNS info listed for your .com domain. As such, nobody will be able to access any hosts in this domain (www, ftp, mail etc).

Go to CIRA's website ( and check your .ca domain's DNS info, and see if it has DNS servers listed.
First of all thank you for helping me.I realy do appreciate it.
1- for the domain .ca the following information is obtained:
2-for the domain .com, we can only use it, but we can not use mail.
Thank you again
220 primus.com MAILsweeper ESMTP Receiver Version Ready
helo dude
250 OK
mail from: chris@iproute.co.uk
250 chris@iproute.co.uk OK
rcpt to: admin@primus.com
250 admin@primus.com OK
354 Ready for data
250 Message received OK
221 primus.com closing

Primus.com and primus.ca MX records point to different servers.

This is your domain, right?


Chris Andrew, CCNA, CCSA
We are with primus.ca
What to do now?
"We are with primus.ca" .... what ... is this your provider or your own domain?

Please, just confirm the domains and then maybe we'll get somewhere!


Chris Andrew, CCNA, CCSA
I contacted primus (which is our Registrar) and they clarified that the mail for our domain .com is on their server while the mail for our domain .ca is on our own server(This is from two years long ago before I worked ).I asked that the mail for our domain .com to be directed also to our own server.This will take until the end of this day
Our domains are automotionshade.com and silentgliss.ca
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