Hi all
I've noticed there's no forum specific to flash communication server here so I'm not expecting anyone to know, but I thought I'd ask here anyway.
does anyone know what code would be needed to make my basic sketchpad multi-user, it only needs to be very basic (no userlist), and what needs to be added to the server-side application main.asc.
this is the basic code so far,
Thanks for reading.
I've noticed there's no forum specific to flash communication server here so I'm not expecting anyone to know, but I thought I'd ask here anyway.
does anyone know what code would be needed to make my basic sketchpad multi-user, it only needs to be very basic (no userlist), and what needs to be added to the server-side application main.asc.
this is the basic code so far,
lineThickness = 0;
selectedColor = "0x000000";
_root.onMouseDown = startDrawing;
_root.onMouseUp = stopDrawing;
function startDrawing() {
if (_xmouse<455) {
_root.lineStyle(lineThickness, selectedColor);
_root.moveTo(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse);
_root.onMouseMove = drawLine;
function drawLine() {
_root.lineTo(this._xmouse, this._ymouse);
function stopDrawing() {
delete this.onMouseMove;
Thanks for reading.