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Multi user access

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Feb 15, 2005
Help !!!

i have a database which has a back end (tables) and then many users accessing it through a three different databases. Front end databases...

My problem is with multi user access. When someones got it open no one else can do anything. I've looked at the advanced options in Access and fiddled with a few things but having no joy. Anyone got any hints as to what the settings should be to allow multi user access. I thought it was set up so that it would only lock the record that was in use but it seems to be locking everything :(

Any help would be most appreciated
Howdy Arobbo,

Are you using a common workgroup file for all of your users front-ends? Also, have you checked out the faq section for database security?

Good luck[thumbsup2],
Have you made sure the 'default open mode' in Advanced options is set to 'shared'?

Anothere possibility is Network permissions, all users must have read/write/create/delete permissions in teh folder containing the backend mdb (to allow for creation and deltion of the locking file (.ldb)


Ken Reay
Freelance Solutions Developer
Boldon Information Systems Ltd
Website needs upgrading, but for now - UK
There is a setting which will lock either the current record a user is working on or editing or lock the whole back end.
You will find it in the forms preferences under data/record locks.

you will have to set this on all forms which are manipulating the data.

Program Error
Programmers do it one finger at a time!
Thanks for all the input , think i've found the problem.

One group of users didn't have the permission to delete, just read and write. which would explain why it was locked, however the entire backend was locked and not just the record they were accessing.

I've checked all the forms and all are set to NoLocks.

I have an query which extracts record from a table within a Access 2000 database i.e.

Trno Date Amount
A001 23/03/05 44444
A001 23/03/05 55555

The query is sorted by Trno and Date in ascending order. There can be many records for a Trno and there will be many Trno other than A001 used in the example.

In the exampe above, I'm only interested in the last record (in this example the 2nd record of 2 record fors Trno=A001.

In fact I'm only interested in the last occurrence for each Trno, as the record will contain the amount (the latest balance) I'm looking for.

I can't seem to get the query correct so that in the example above it only show the last record with Amount value=55555

Any help greatly appreciated.


maybe try max(Date) , would only return the most recent,

or possibly change the date to time then it would only return the MOST recent.

Apart from that i'm afraid i can't be of much help i'm usually the one asking for help in this forum ;)
You should really start a new thread for a new question.

Try this
Select DISTINCT T.Trno, T.[Date], T.Amount

From MyTable T

Where T.[Date] = (Select MAX([Date] From myTable X
                  WHERE X.Trno = T.Trno)
My thoughts exactly Golom on both counts ;)
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