I have written a system in VFP6 to hold football fixtures. The system is split into a main executable (.exe) which runs the menu which calls several applications (.app).<br><br>My problem is that when two workstations access the system it slows down and takes around 3 minutes to display all the fixtures on the system.<br><br>But, if I run the system on one machine only the system takes around 3-4 seconds to display the fixtures. If I run the system on one machine more than once at the same time it still only takes around 3-4 seconds.<br><br>I can't believe it is the network as it's handling the same amount of traffic.<br><br>I have tried several types of machines as the server (some more powerful than others) but with no apparent differences and have tried several different machines as the workstations, again with no difference.<br><br>Is the system slowing down as a result of using .apps or is there conflict with who can use the files on the server at one time and therefore slowing each other down (although it doesn't slow down if one machine runs the system more than once at the same time????)<br><br><br>This is now hurting my head. Can someone please help me?<br><br>Thanks,<br> Jamie Richards