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MTS compatibility with ORACLE database 6

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Dec 20, 1999
In a three tier architecture (VB-MTS-ORACLE), is there a problem in the MTS-ORACLE interface?
What sort of a problem are you facing? Need more details...<br>
The last time I looked at the MTS docs, I found that you could only use Oracle 7 client with it. Plus you need to service pack your NT server to fix a memory leak.<br>

I have gone through Article Q193893(KB aricle) in order to configure MTS and Oracle 8.0.5 Enterprise Server.<br><br>To test the components we have used both bank client&nbsp;&nbsp;(provided with MTS) and a MTS component that I have written(just one transaction, that is) using ADO objects.<br><br>In both the cases we get a driver error as the following(In a messagebox) : <br><br> -2147168246(Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC Drivers) :[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Driver not capable.<br><br>I am using the latest patch for Oracle 8.0.5(obtained from Oracle site). The MDAC version is 2.5.<br><br>I have gone through the above mentioned article time and again.<br><br>Please tell me if I have to do something extra to get MTS going with Oracle 8.0.5.<br><br>&nbsp;Thanking you in anticipation of some follow through in this matter.<br><br><br>Partha Pratim Muherjee,<br>Professional Service, Calcutta,<br>Compaq India<br><br><A HREF="mailto:partha.mukherjee@compaq.com">partha.mukherjee@compaq.com</A><br><A HREF="mailto:parthapm@indya.com">parthapm@indya.com</A><br>

I work in a company that has written a mission critical application using IIS, ASP, MTS accessing Oracle 7.3.3.
The system is not working.

&quot;MS-MTS with Oracle DOESN'T WORK! and Microsoft and Oracle simply doesn't care about it!&quot;

Our System has 10 .DLL's that was written in VB6 SP4.

The NT app server was configured like the following:
(We have an Solution Provider developing the system and it still doesn't work!), that's true, unfortunately...
We used: Q193893(KB aricle)

The environment:

NT4 SP6a;
OPTION PACK (with only the necessary components);
Oracle Client 8.0.5 Patch 80524
NET8 Patch 80503
MDAC 2.5 SP1


SCO 5.0.5
Oracle Server
Configured to Multithread Server

When we run the application with a small number of connections in Oracle Server it works but very slowly!!!
it's incredible, and generates .TRC files on NT.
And we already made tunning on the sql statements, stored procedures and packages.

But when we have the system that's been migrated using the same database we receive the following errors:

ORA-00000 Normal ...

And the transaction stops!!!!

(The legacy system was written in FORMS 3.)

We already sent the .TRC files to Oracle, but they don't know... and we have support contract with Oracle, it's a ridiculous situation. We already did EVERYTHING!! THAT'S POSSIBLE, sorry friends I'm very sad, stressed... not only me but more than 20 analysts and programmers... The system took 8 months to be developed, and when we installed one module that uses MTS Components, we saw that it doesn't work in production environment...

Oracle and MTS certainly DOES work either by using the ODBC interface or the ADO interface. I have been working on a 20 man year year project that uses just this technology. We have successful implementation of all aspects of the VB6/MTS/Oracle 8.0.6 architecture including transaction support.
Let me help you sort out your problems if you mail me direct then I will give you a phone number so we can chat. Admitedly it is very frustrating trying to get any support for this architecture but I have spoken to quite a few people at both Oracle and Microsoft who seem to know a little bit about what they are talking about.

Hope I can help, don't dispare all is not lost.

I have problem like this one described in this forum. I´m using Oracle 8.0524, MTS2.0 MDAC2.5 and VB 6.0. The transaction does not work. Can you help me?

Thanks for your attention
Vilhena E. [sig][/sig]

StuartH you´re right. We were wrong.

Finally the system is working.
What we did was install MDAC 2.6 RTM.

The message &quot;UNSPECIFIED ERROR&quot;, was raised because there was an error in the application, It was o loop in a sub procedure.

Although MS said to configure - Multithread Server
we return Oracle to DEDICATED connections. (Who works with Oracle know what I am saying.

The Q193893(KB aricle), is good only for Oracle 8, it doesn´t explain how to use Oracle7.



Hi, StuartH:

I am working on the same problem. Here is my system set up:

Windows 2000 Server
Oracle 8.0.5 Client
Oracle Server

I have followed the article from Microsoft (Using Oracle with MTS and COM+). The Oracle DBA has created V$XATRANS$ on the server. I have successfully tried OraStress and msdtcora to test the connection and database configuration.

It works fine with the components don't use transaction. But when I set it to require transactions. I got error:
-2147168246, ODBC incapable.

Thank you for your help in advance!


I have working on the same three tier architecture

VB 6.0 , MTS and ORACLE 8i server.

Operating Systems:

Windows 2000 advance server.
Windows 2000 prof.

Please tel me what should I do?

mail: waqar.alam@cressoft-khi.com.pk

Thanks &amp; Best Regards
could you help me for solving my problem ..
Oracle (Sun Solaris)
MTS 2.0
NT Server 4.0 (with NT SP6a)
Oracle Client SW 7.3 (because I read in MTS for Oracle client ...)
And, when I tried to execute application in VB6.0 (with SP4) .. There I have 2 components, 1 which required transaction i 2 component which use transaction and occure error:
&quot;-2147168246 New transaction cannot enlist transaction coordinator&quot;

Help me.
Kind regards Martin
I want to Use &quot;Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle&quot; for connecting to Oracle.

Windows 2000 Server
Oracle 8.1.6
MDAC 2.5

When I tried to open the connection using ADO(from VC++ COM Component) it's failing and returning the error number as &quot; -2147417851 &quot;

I am able to open connection and do all sort of manipulation with &quot;Oracle OLEDB Provider&quot;. But my project demands me to use Microsoft ODBC Driver.
Can U reply me at the earliest.

Thanx in Advance.

Best Rgds,
Jai Ganesh R.
in the case VB+MTS+Oracle what is with Oracle Service for MTS. Did I must have started service or not?
And I have this error log when I start this service:
2/8/2001 09:10:10
85093117: [350] OracleMgr::Initialize - Error: the RMGUIDs of the service and database do not match. The service cannot connect to a different database.
85093117: [350] OracleMTSService0 is exiting.
Could you tell me something about it ?


Am developing an application using Win2k/COM+/C#.NET (using the System.Data.OracleClient beta provider) and attempting to get the DTC to work with Oracle9i (it works fine already with SQL Server 2k - no shocks there then) and have followed all the microsoft recommendations viz. changing reg keys and creating views on the server and assigning grants to them, installing Oracle Svcs for MTS etc. but I still get &quot;Cannot attach to distributed transaction: MTxOciAttachToTransaction returned -2147467259&quot; (which i think is that old favourite, 0x80004005).

MSDTCORA.EXE works fine on all my connections.

Has anyone got any good ideas? I'm re-reading all the Oracle documentation as we speak, but it's not proving much use so far...

Many thanks in advance,

Matt O'Connell
Oracle shipped an incorrect ORAMTS.dll with Oracle 9i Release 2. They shipped the debug version.

You can either:

1. Get the patch from oracle if you have a support contract

2. Install msvcrtd.dll in the windows system directory on the oracle client machine.

I know, I was extremely irritated that Oracle in now way states that release 2 is broken with respect to MTS. I paid the support fee to find out.
Hi All,
I am doing some R&D on MTS/VB/ASP using Windows2000 as my webserver and unix server as database server. I created a component which is working fine when the transaction is not enabled. When I set the transaction property of the component as &quot;transaction Required&quot; then the component failed to work. Can any one help me. I trace the error then the component failed to work when it created an instance of adodb.connection and when it opened the connection.

Do I need to do any configuration in oracle server to make the transaction enable.

Do I need to do any configuration in the IIS server to enable oracle transaction.

Is there any thing like Oracle transaction manager?
Note: My oracle version is 8.0.5.

The .NET OracleClient Beta 1 does not support DTC and MS have no firm schedule for supporting it in the initial release (although they say it will come 'later').
I am developing a COM+ application using VB which speaks to an oracle stored procedure running on a system(win 2000 server) where i have my MTS.I have installed oracle server 7.3 on a different system.The COM+ application Transaction property is not enabled and the application is working fine.
But the Oracle session is not being killed after each call that i make , even after i kill the Connection in my application.I am using Microsoft ODBC driver for oracle.
Can anybody help me.

Thanks in advance

You can mail me at


trabajo con Visual Basic 6.0 y w2000 server con sp2,estaba trabajando normal,luego le instale el Visual J++,y desaparecio la libreria &quot;Microsoft ActivexData Access 2.6&quot;,probe quitando el Visual j++ y reinstalando el Visual Basic pero nada.

Actualmente tengo aplicacione que utilizan esta libreria,como puedo hacer para instalarla y poder urilizarla en mis palicativos que actualmente no ejecutan por la falt de esta libreria

While connecting to oracle database through an COM+ Componenent using ADO I am getting an error as follows.
&quot;[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Failure in DTC: not able to validate open information - -2147168246&quot;.
My environment is:
Windows 2000
Oracle 8.1.6 Server & Client.

The same code is working fine on a different PC, the only differece is there both Oracle server is in the same PC,

I am getting the above error when I was trying to connect to the same Oracle server from My PC, Which is Win2K Server

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance

Inside the ASP I am calling &quot;ORCALE STORED PROCEDURE&quot;
to execute that procedurce taking lot of time. some time It's giving error message 'Invalid SQL statement'

If I execute Same procedure in BACKEND..It Working as well as It giving result with in 1 min.

My question how to avoid the error
Invalid SQL statement'

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in Advance


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