Using the Adodc control I have an ACCESS 2000 table, that I have connected to and view in VB6. It is 4500 rows long with 14 columns wide. In MSHFlex Grid they call the columns bands.<br>
My problem is that one of the columns(or bands)(column 12 or band 12 named "ScaleAmt" is .40, but when it prints to screen it is .4, so I have been trying to figure out a format command for this one column. I have tried many ways and even one book says it isn't possible. I can't believe this.<br>
Private Sub Form_Load()<br>
Grid1.Columns("ScaleAmt".NumberFormat = "00.00"<br>
End Sub<br>
The above works in the DataGrid Control, but I can not find a counterpart int the MSHFlexGrid Control. I hate to ask for help on something simple, but I have 3-4 hours in on this, with no luck <p>Dewey Davis<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>
My problem is that one of the columns(or bands)(column 12 or band 12 named "ScaleAmt" is .40, but when it prints to screen it is .4, so I have been trying to figure out a format command for this one column. I have tried many ways and even one book says it isn't possible. I can't believe this.<br>
Private Sub Form_Load()<br>
Grid1.Columns("ScaleAmt".NumberFormat = "00.00"<br>
End Sub<br>
The above works in the DataGrid Control, but I can not find a counterpart int the MSHFlexGrid Control. I hate to ask for help on something simple, but I have 3-4 hours in on this, with no luck <p>Dewey Davis<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>