I have a VB6 front end that I am moving from MS Jet 4.0 Access DB to MSDE. Within the project there are over 300 places where I use something to this effect: (Pseudo code)
rs.Open "tblCust", gConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
rs.index = “lName” “Smith”
With MSDE when I change the “” to a sql statement pulling only the subset of records that I want, the seek statement returns the error:
3251~Current provider does not support the necessary interface for Index functionality.
Is there a way to use the underlying table indexes through MSDE to do some kind of ordered seek on a recordset?
I’ve searched MS website, get millions of results but no answers. Any help, websites would be greatly appreciated.
rs.Open "tblCust", gConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
rs.index = “lName” “Smith”
With MSDE when I change the “” to a sql statement pulling only the subset of records that I want, the seek statement returns the error:
3251~Current provider does not support the necessary interface for Index functionality.
Is there a way to use the underlying table indexes through MSDE to do some kind of ordered seek on a recordset?
I’ve searched MS website, get millions of results but no answers. Any help, websites would be greatly appreciated.