I need to know if anyone knows a good resource for what properties are supported by the MSDAORA provider (the Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle provider).
I am building a web app with Paged reports. So that each page only shows a certain number of records. I can set the pagesize using rs.pagesize. But when I try to set rs.absolutepage, or rs.absolutepositon, it tells me that bookmarks are not supported either by the cursor or the provider.
I am using
rs.cursorlocation = adUseClient
rs.cursortype = adOpenStatic
which is what MS says to use for these properties. So I need to verify that the provider supports the absolutepage/positon commands.
Anyone know where I can look. I checked MSDN, but I couldn't find a list of what is and is not supported. The money's gone, the brain is shot.....but the liquor we still got.
I am building a web app with Paged reports. So that each page only shows a certain number of records. I can set the pagesize using rs.pagesize. But when I try to set rs.absolutepage, or rs.absolutepositon, it tells me that bookmarks are not supported either by the cursor or the provider.
I am using
rs.cursorlocation = adUseClient
rs.cursortype = adOpenStatic
which is what MS says to use for these properties. So I need to verify that the provider supports the absolutepage/positon commands.
Anyone know where I can look. I checked MSDN, but I couldn't find a list of what is and is not supported. The money's gone, the brain is shot.....but the liquor we still got.