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MS Project Filter applied when open file

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Jan 27, 2005

Ive set up a separate view with new table and filtering on numerous tags in one column.

When i look at this view and save the file then close it all looks good, But when i reopen the MS Project File the view and filter is not applied. Once i reapply the view all looks good.

IS there away of opening the MS Project File and having the amended view applied or do i just have to keep applying it every time i open the plan???????????
No im not using Project Server!!

Any idea?
Open the project
Press Atl-F11 to open up the VBA window
Tools > References
make sure "Microsoft project 11.0 object library" is checked
make sure "Microsfot Office 11.0 object library" is checked

On the leftpanel expand VBAProject

find the item named "ThisProject(xxx.mpp)" where xxx.mpp is your project

double click on that

In the right window paste:

Private Sub Project_Open(ByVal pj as Project)
viewapply "YourViewName"
end sub

Save the project (not simply the VBA window).
Exit project
double click on the project file you just saved.

I've tried this and it works ... but at least one of my machines is set up differently from the others and the code doesn't work on that machine ... don't know why.
sigh ... different macro security levels.

Tools > Macro > Security > SecurityLevel-tab
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