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MS Messenger on WS 2003 TS 1

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Dec 23, 2000
I have a client who wants to install MS Messenger on his TS box. The same one built into XP. So I have a couple of questions.

Can it be done and limited to certain users
Is there a version for TS or is it just the MSN. Microsoft has such poor naming conventions that it's hard to know which product is which.

Forget about talking him out of this. So I need a solution.

Thanks VERY much for any insight

Mens et Manus
Wow, I understand you can't talk the client out of this, however make sure he is aware of 2 issues.

1. Anyone using IM locally will get kicked off when they attach to the TS box.

2. You will need to update this every time there is a new version which seems to be frequent, so he needs to accept that this will be an increase in your billing.

Windows Messenger is supported on Windows 2003 Server. You can DL it from here:

While I do trust and use MSN Messenger at home, the ads are very annoying and only real benefit over Windows Messenger is the emoticons. So I would install the Windows Messenger instead of MSN.

I hope you find this post helpful.


Hi Mark,

Thanks very much for the reply, I appreciate you taking the time. What exactly do you mean by #1. Are you saying if Bob is logged into the TS through RDP and Jack is logged into TS through RDP, They will knock each other off?

#2 not an issue <G>

Thanks again!

Mens et Manus
No what I am saying is that if you are logged in to messenger from your client machine and you attach to a TS box, you will knock yourself off.

This issue exists if you are logging in to a TS box no matter what, doesn't matter if the TS box has IM or not. What they may NOT expect however is let's say you logged in to IM at your desk. You go to a conference room and bring your laptop. You attach to the TS box and login via IM. You then get knocked off of IM at your desk back at your office.

I've had some clients complain about this because they had set their status to be "be right back" or "away" and the new session then changes that. Just make sure they are aware of the issue. It is not a deployment blocker, just a user training issue.

I hope you find this post helpful.


OK, that's sort of what I thought you might mean. No problems there. They wouldn't be using it simultaneously from a local workstation and TS session.

Is the 5.1 version the same as the one that comes with XP? My XP version Help\about shows 4.7. I ask because you mention there are no emoticons in MS messgenger and there are in my version. I'm NOT useing MSM messenger. Hell, I don't really use it at all. Just that he wants it for his users, so I have to bone up on int.

Thanks again for your help, You get a star!

Mens et Manus
Yes, same thing as your 4.7, though you should update to the latest version as the changes are security related.

I did not realize it, but they did add the emoticons to the Windows IM. Last time I used it was back in the time frame around 4.3 or 4.4 version I think and it did not have them back then.

So, that makes it a no brainer. Use the Windows version and they won't get any of the crapy ads.

Another thing you may want to investigate is office communicator by Microsoft. It is the next technology which really integrates with Exchange.
I hope you find this post helpful.


Thanks again Mark. You've been a great help!

Mens et Manus
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