I converted a pdf file into excel format using software tool. The conversion worked and converted 11 pages of data into a single work sheet. I manually defined the page breaks to make it display exactly as the original of 11 pages on this worksheet.
My Question:
Is there a build-in function or short-cut to separate all the pages on this one worksheet into multiple sheets in the same workbook? For example, I have page 1, 2, and 3 one sheet1, but I want to make the page 1 stays on sheet1, page 2 move to sheet2, and page 3 move to sheet3 base on the page breaks I manually inserted.
My Question:
Is there a build-in function or short-cut to separate all the pages on this one worksheet into multiple sheets in the same workbook? For example, I have page 1, 2, and 3 one sheet1, but I want to make the page 1 stays on sheet1, page 2 move to sheet2, and page 3 move to sheet3 base on the page breaks I manually inserted.