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MPE/iX - Wave of the Future?

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Technical User
Feb 12, 2001
OK... I jest a little. I work with an HP3000 979KS. I truly enjoy the system, the OS, and the apps that we run. While I do believe the HP3000 is more popular recently as sales seem to indicate, what do users think the future holds for SysAdmins in the future?

David Dustan
I'm no authority on 3000 topics but my wife is a contract programmer Using a 917 (in our basement). I'm the default "Sys Admin" in our household so I've had to learn just enough to be dangerous in order to keep the thing running for her.

With the newest line of E3000's, I think the role of Sys Admin will depend heavily on the usage of a particular system.

In my wife's case, there is only minimal need for Sys Admin assistance other than cutting backups and maintaining enough disc space for her to develop/compile code. She basically does raw COBOL progs cut to tape and mailed to clients or delivered electronically via email/dialup, so it's easily restored/absorbed onto a clients machine.

In more instances, however, the E3000 is being marketed as a web-enabled server. Or more efficiently as the "business end" of a large web presence (particulary in working with raw data).

IMHO I believe the future fares well for an MPE/iX based database solution married with a strong web/gui driven front end server. That scenario should keep a Sys Admin from getting bored with their job for a while :)
Sounds like an interesting setup! I'd like to try the ame thing someday but I can never get a reasonable rate on postage for the HP3000s on eBay! ;>

I agree that the e3000s ar really marketed toward the ebusinesses which makes sense.....

I, like you, know enough to be dangerous but enjoy the adventure. Thanks for the note and good luck in the future!


If you are in the market for a used 3k, I could probably help you out.

It would most likely be an older 927 or something of that caliber and I couldn't guarentee what version of the OS it would be running, but I think I could find one for you easily enough.

At least the cost of shipping wouldn't seem as bad if I can get you a good deal on the box.

Let me know if you would be interested.
I wasn't going to say anything, but I couldn't help myself...

Okay, look at this message board, three threads? Yup, three. Don't tell me it's because HPe3000 Admins are gifted enough that they don't need help.

HP(e)3000 are circling the drain, and when they finally go down it, all you'll hear is the pounding of head on the desk as the poor DBA who is trying to port the data to another server ----------------------------------------
Is George Lucas Kidding...
Actually, faust13, it's A. a new forum, and B. not many people know it's here (I would've posted and checked it sooner, had I known of it's existence). HP 3000 isn't circling the drain, there happens to be a number of people out there using the thing (I prefer UNIX myself, but I have to use it). Yes, resources are scattered, and yes, the MPE folks tend to be an insular sort (their forum is named SMUG, for the Seldom Met Users Group). But it was circling down the drain 25 years ago, but for the large group of people who wanted to keep it running. And what does George Lucas have to do w/it all? :)
I would probably say that the reason there are so few posts for the HP3000 series here is that THE SUPPORT FORUM exists on HP's own site.
If there is any question as to who, what, where, when, and how on one of these pigs, it is best to go to the source.
No disrespect to this site, but you gotta go to the people who know:
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