I have a MPDM connected to my Sys75 R1V3N. Last Thursday it stopped working.
1. I have changed the Digital port on the S/75 that it is on. 2. Changed to a different MPDM unit. 3. Changed Wiring port to MPDM. AND it still doesn't work. I have it hooked up to a PC Serial port (for testing) The CD and CTS lines don't go on unless I do a local loop. Then the PC will display characters looped thru the MPDM.
1. I have changed the Digital port on the S/75 that it is on. 2. Changed to a different MPDM unit. 3. Changed Wiring port to MPDM. AND it still doesn't work. I have it hooked up to a PC Serial port (for testing) The CD and CTS lines don't go on unless I do a local loop. Then the PC will display characters looped thru the MPDM.