Right now I have a bunch of edit boxes. Only the first one is enabled. When you enter a value in the first box and hit enter it calls this function. Which saves the value and enables the next box, how do I get the typing cursor to move to the box that was just enabled? TIA.
void __fastcall TForm1:
rivate0KeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key,
TShiftState Shift)
if(Key == VK_RETURN)
pd0 = hex(private0->Text, 2);
test->Text = IntToHex(pd0, 2);
private1->Enabled = true;
private1->Color = clWindow;
void __fastcall TForm1:
TShiftState Shift)
if(Key == VK_RETURN)
pd0 = hex(private0->Text, 2);
test->Text = IntToHex(pd0, 2);
private1->Enabled = true;
private1->Color = clWindow;