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Moving PDF's

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Aug 17, 2001
I'm trying to move a group of PDF's from one folder/staging area to another folder for processing. There are going to be about 1000 400KB pdf's. What is the most efficient way to do this?
Here is what I have tried but it is slow...
If mFs.FolderExists(FolderSpec) Then
Set mFolder = mFs.GetFolder(FolderSpec)
On Error Resume Next
For Each mFile In mFolder.Files
space = InStr(1, mFile.DateCreated, " ")
TimePrinted = mFile.DateCreated
DatePrinted = Trim(Mid(mFile.DateCreated, 1, space))
CompareDate = Month(wrkQueryDate) & "/" & Day(wrkQueryDate) + 1 & "/" & Year(wrkQueryDate) & " 12:00:00 AM"
CompareHours = DateDiff("h", TimePrinted, CompareDate)
If (12 > CompareHours) And (CompareHours > -12) Then
MoveTo = (Environment & "\" & mFile.Name)
Debug.Print MoveTo
mFile.Copy MoveTo, True

Kill (mFile)
' - what is the diff between .delete and kill()?

i = i + 1
End If
End If
Some maths to clean up
TimePrinted = Cdbl(mFile.DateCreated)
DatePrinted = Int(mFile.DateCreated)
CompareDate = DatePrinted + 1
CompareHours = CompareDate - TimePrinted


CompareHours = Int(mFile.DateCreated)+ 1 - Cdbl(mFile.DateCreated)

12hours > CompareHours) And (CompareHours > -12hours) =>
-12hours<CompareHours<12hours => |CompareHours|<12 hours =>
|CompareHours| < 0.5

Copy + Delete = Move

So all this in combination...

If Abs(Int(mFile.DateCreated)+ 1 - Cdbl(mFile.DateCreated)) < 0.5 then
mFile.Move Environment & "\" & mFile.Name
i = i +1
End If
>' - what is the diff between .delete and kill()?

Not a lot, really.

There are some differences in the mechanics, that;s all

.delete is a method of the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library's File class that deletes the file that the class represents.

Kill is a method of VB's built-in FileSystem class that deletes a named file. Ah, you say, but I'm passing it an object (mFile), not a named file. Well no. You are encountering the default property effect. The default property of the File class is .Path, so what you are actually doing is passing the fully qualified path of the file represented by mFile to the Kill command
So other than my sloppy math, this is the most efficient way to move a batch of PDF's from one directory to another?
The process seems to be hanging up at the "mFile.Copy MoveTo, True" command.

Could I do it as a batch process behind the scene somehow so as not to tie up the users PC?
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