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Moving Files

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Aug 5, 2008
I have run into a weird issue with moving files. When attempting to move a file from one directory to another. The move works somewhat.

I have these directories/files:

From: /mnt/fds-phx/docTmp/coded/1.tif
to: /mnt/fds-phx/plSystem/transactions/active/98E98657-D4A3-6B6B-EF2990B199D75814/tmp

The issue that I am facing is, when I try to move from the from directory to the to directory. The file is moved to /mnt/fds-phx/plSystem/transactions/active/98E98657-D4A3-6B6B-EF2990B199D75814 instead of /mnt/fds-phx/plSystem/transactions/active/98E98657-D4A3-6B6B-EF2990B199D75814/tmp

I have no idea why it is completely ignoring the /tmp part of my string.

Here is my current code.

		# read trans barcode 
		$primer = Util::Util::trim(Util::Util::fileDecode($transFile));
		# set transaction folder path
		my $transPath = $wDir . "plSystem/transactions/active/".$primer."/tmp";

			print "Transpath : " . $transPath . "\n"; 
			print "FileName : ".  $transFile . "\n";
			system("cp $transFile $transPath");
Do you happen to have a copy of the camel book?
If so, look under the function definition for 'system' - there is a recipe for examining the return value from a system call. It may possibly provide some insight.

Add one more print to your code
if(-d $transPath){
   print "Transpath : " . $transPath . "\n";
   print "FileName : ".  $transFile . "\n";
   print "Cmd      : >cp $transFile $transPath<\n";
   $rc = system("cp $transFile $transPath");
   &examine_call_results($rc) ;
The extra ><'s here are just an old debugging habit of my to help look for white space (or nulls when I was sure I had a valid value) I'm printing the system command inline versus using the "bla" . $var . "bla" option as it more closely matches what you're sending to system(). Just kind of curious to know if you can cut-n-paste the output and make that work as well.

If you don't have the book, I'll post a copy of it in here if I can get secondary confirmation that I'm not breaking any copyright laws. I'm sure the code is already web accessible under one of the various perl::faq sites, but they may have known something I don't.

Another possibility might be to try using the system call like
  system("cp", $transFile, $transPath);
as this is how the command is described in the book.

I do agree that this is very peculiar. I have a couple of other ideas, but they're approaching silly. Will wait until you've had another go at it.
Yep using the output from print "Cmd : >cp $transFile $transPath<\n"; works like as expected.

I am looked at my camel book, and I can with 100% certainty say that it is using sh.

Something very odd is going on that I have never seen.
OK - in lieu of any "&examine_call_results($rc)" feedback, lets start heading toward the silly:

- Try a length EXPR command on your "cp src des" and print that. Then count the characters printed with the "CMD: xxx". Verify they're the same -- perspective is from a case where I somehow gotten a backspace character in my command string. When printed to the screen, the ascii terminal window effectively used it and left me with the results. Cut-n-paste the results - all was good. Via the code - grief. (In particular I'd created a file name " <backspace>my_file" The file looked ok under an ls command but trying to use it was impossible) - I bring this up because you are generating part of your file path from another utility.

- This one I don't like but for the sake of getting your code to work so that you can move on
 system("echo 'cp src des' >/tmp/run.me");
 system("chmod 777 /tmp/run.me");
 system("rm /tmp/run.me"); # clean up your mess
If this works - I completely agree it's ridiculous, but get the rest of your code working, then come back to this (if it works that is)
After a bit more testing, I think I have the issue figured out. There is one of two possibilities. Either the file that is being generated is either corrupt or I have a bad block on my file system. After running fsck on my server, I am pretty sure that it is a bad block.
argh..... a thousand lashes with a wet-noodle! ;)

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
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