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I assume that you're new to Crystal and programming. As a general rule you want to explain something about your environment and intent unless you're simnply looking for an answer of "yes, but it depends".
One solution from within Crystal itself is to have multiple sections and conditionally suppress sections to give the appearance of fields moving. Whereas you might mean that you want to use the RDC or some interface into Crystal from VB or some such.
1 sentence posts almost always beget numerous additional posts.
I am using crystal 8.5 version
database used is sql server 2000. Basically I am not using any front end.
I want out put like this
Category 1:
text a value
text b value
Category 2:
text c value
Category 3 value
Category 4 value
I have created static fields for category 1, category 2. and based on condition I suppressed them.
texta , textb, textc, category 3... are from database.
I have to move category 3, 4 otherwise it will be part of category 2.
Hope the question is clear. Please let me know otherwise.
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