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Moving .aspx From Dev to Production Web Site 1

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Sep 30, 2002
I just finished a version of a new mobile internet .aspx page and moved it to my demo web site to show. It failed. The problem is in the Inherits="Test1.DeliveryList2" parameter in the .aspx page header. The message is that it cannot inherit from Test1.DeliveryList2. Here, Test1 is the name of my development project and DeliveryList2 is the name of the .aspx page. I tried Inherits="DeliveryList2" and put it in the root. It didn't work.

1. Does anyone know what that parameter should be?
2. Is there a way to set up my development project so I don't have to edit my pages to get them to work on the production site?
I have some more on this problem. I have a working .aspx page with event code in the CodeBehind file. If I copy it, give it a new name and put that name in the CodeBehind as the Class name, and in the Inherits parameter in the header of the .aspx page, it doesn't work. When viewed in browser, the first line in the .aspx file is highlighted and the message is: Could not load type 'Test1.DeliveryList4' where Test1 is the project name and DeliveryList4 is the name of the .aspx page. It acts like some other file needs to have a line for the class DeliveryList4. It's not global.asax or web.config. Does anyone know what it is? Note that to test this on your machine, you need to be able to tell whether or not the event routines run. If you change the Inherits parameter to System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage, you get rid of the errors, but none of the routines in the CodeBehind file execute.
Hey John:

Are you copying your DLL over, or just the code behind files? The code behind files get compiled into a DLL when you run the application within vs.net. The pages are actually referencing the dll when running, not the individual code behind files. When you publish a site, all you really need to up load are your.aspx files and hte dll (typically in a bin folder within the root of your app directory).

Just asking because it sounds like your pages are looking for the classes, but can't find them where its looking.

Many Thanks, D'Arcy, for your tip. That was the problem. My page is now running at: I transferred both the .dll and the .pdb files. It works both in IE and the Openwave 6.2 http simulator.

Getting back to my other problem of copying pages, is the answer to that fixing the names and then doing a full build instead of just a rebuild? If I clean up a project by deleting things, do they get removed from the .dll?
...you do noy need PBS files in bin directory - delete them. These are debugging files. You can also delete all but .aspx and web.config files in web files folder.
I wouldn't delete all but .aspx and web.config files in web files folder if I were you. Some of the other files will also be essential, such as the xml type files for datasets etc. People may also be using .js files to contain javascript functions which can be added to the attributes collection of web controls at run time.

You right. I should have made myself clearer I meant code-behind files. Front-end includes, xml, ascx files should stay. Thanks for bringing more light on it.
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