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Moving an Exchange 5.5 Server to Another Exchange 5.5 Server 13

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Feb 1, 2003
hey guys,

I am looking to upgrade my exchange 5.5 server computer to a new 2ghz, 512mb ram, scsi disks etc pc, something a bit more powerful than the current p500mhz with 256mb ram!,

my question is, I want to set up the new pc, install windows nt4 on it as well as exchange 5.5, but i want to know how i can transfer users and routing information etc over, is their an easy way to do this?


I took KingofSketch's advice and was able to move all of the server recipients to a new box running Win2K and Exchange 5.5.

However, running the optimizer does not give an option to recreate connectors, and it doesn't look like the Internet Mail Service is installed on the new server. When I shut down the old server, I get no incoming/outgoing mail (however, internal e-mails work).

Did I miss a step?
I also forgot to mention that Exchange Administrator won't run on the new server. No shortcut was created, and if I try to start it from the 'bin' directory, I get a 'System cannot find the file specified' error.

I am leaning towards fuego007's method but I have one issue. Presently my Exchange 5.5 server is spread across 3 logical drives. The databases are spread across C, D, and E while Exchange was installed to D. Is there anyway I can consolidate the databases before I do the 'restore' to the new machine? I am sure the fact that Exchange is on D is a big problem... Correct...?


I had Exchange setup across C: and E:. Some of the database paths were set to C:, some to E:. In fuego007's method, he specifies to setup the drive structure to match the old server. We did this on our new server before starting the upgrade and had no problems. Just be sure to do this step:

"From Exchange Admin, open the properties window for the server. Select the Database Paths tab and note where each item is located."


Thanks for your reply...

However, I want to consolidate the databases to C: and install the new exchange installation to C:.

I am not sure that I can be this with fuego007's procedure. What do you think...?


I have a problem getting the DS started after I moved the DSADATA folder to the new machine. Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong?
Without the DS I cannot run isinteg aswell.

new server with a copy of the exchsrvr dir of an old server running NT4sp6 Exch5.5sp3. Ihave installed the new server with W2K server with the same server name IP address (lab env.)Created a new site with the same Site and org name as tha old server. But I cannot seem to get the DS started.

Rgds Bokkie
Several posters in this thread have noted various approaches to "Moving an Exchange Server to a New Computer That Has the Same Name". If it's useful, the MS Knowledge Base article KB155216 by that title (last reviewed by MS 1/31/2003) has extensive details on the approach Fuego007 has helpfully summarized in his post.

I used this info to move Exchange 5.5 SP4 from an old single processer NT 4.0 server w/ 2 logical drives, to a dual Xeon processer Win2000 server w/ 1 logical drive. Key "tips" based on that experience:

1. Read the "qualifiers" in the KB article carefully. I found it very helpful to read the article several times before beginning, highlighting key sections, and crossing out sections that didn't apply. Note that the article differentiates between using "Online Backup" and "Offline or File Copy Backup" options and you'll need to think through which option you want to use. I used the offline backup option.
2. Document the configuration info VERY carefully. (I caught a typo in the existing site directory name which had to be replicated exactly in the new install!) Also, be sure to record the old Exchange anti-virus settings (see 9 below)! And, have your Service Pack(s), Anti-virus software, and any Exchange backup agents all downloaded and ready to install before you start.
3. If you do offline defrags before moving priv.edb, pub.edb, and dir.edb files, consider using the /p option to retain and preserve original uncompacted databases on the old Exchange server, so you have a fall-back option.
4. Test each database for consistency, don't continue until Eseutil reports State: Consistent.
5. The Internet Mail Connector will need to be deleted and reinstalled in Exchange after the move, or you can do a registry hack to enter the correct domain name.
6. Follow very closely the steps in the KB article describing exactly when to rename and when to shut down the old Exchange server (you may need to bring it back up if a problem occurs!)
7. Be sure to use the Setup.exe /R to do a stub install of Exchange 5.5 on the new Exchange server.
8. Remember to allow time to re-install any backup agents and the anti-virus software, and use the same service accounts for these that were used on the old Exchange server.
9. If you are intalling GroupShield SP2 on the new Exchange, the "On Access" settings you select will also be applied by default on the entire information store you just moved when an "On Demand" scan is run the first time on the new Exchange server. Call Network Associates to discuss this in advance, because this can suddenly put thousands of e-mails previously accesible to users in "Quarantine" unless your new GroupShield settings aren't carefully implemented based on the old Exchange settings.
I hope at least some of these "tips" are helpful!
I would Like to use fuego007's suggestion on this Sat, I will remove the old server first, rename the server and remove from PDC then stop all server in old server.

Start to install a new server with same IP and computer name. apply same Patch. Then crate a new IMS same as the old server. then run the optimizer and stop exchange services before moving the off - line data to new server. (Can I use the On line backup I use Arcserve exchange anget backup the DS and IS, can I just restore the DS and IS)

after moving the off-line backup (is it necessary to run the ESEUTIL /MH path to priv.edb
ESEUTIL /MH path to pub.edb and dir.edb

at last run the isinteg -patch
the restart the services.

If I using the Arcserve Exchange agnet restore the DS and IS should I also to run the ESEUTIL


I just finished an migration of an exchange 5.5 server from an older box to a new one and I would have to say that fuego007's method was the one that worked the best. Everything went extremely well and I am calling it a night!

Thanks again everyone - once again your suggestions did help.

Good Night!!!!!!
I also followed fuego007's suggestion a while back and found that it worked in practice. No one was more surprised than me when it did work!


Just finished our migration as well. Old machine, Compaq Proliant, new machine Dell Dual-Pent III, Exchange 5.5SP4 what a difference! fuego007's idea worked like a dream! Thanks to All for the help! It's 6:00am on a Saturday, and I am headed to bed ;-)
I had to move my exchange installation off of an old P2 300 128 MB RAM (NT 4.0) that was dying to a newer P3 700 with 512MB of RAM (Windows 2000). Did it all last night. It took about 4 hours total. I read fuego007's information and the MS article on the subject. After reading both of them twice and making a list of the order in which to do stuff. Everything went amazingly well. Whenever I do something like this with an MS product amazingly well and MS don't end up in the same sentence! :) Thanks fuego007! The other issue I had was that my exchange 4.0 server was a BDC (and the last 4.0 box on the network) and the MS article explicitly said it had to be a server and not a BDC. So I searched the web and found a utility "upromote" and $100 later my NT 4.0 box was no longer a BDC. Upromote worked very well! This is my first experiance with tek tips and I am very happy. Next step is to upgrade to Exchange server 2000! -Chad
I plan on doing the same thing next week. Seems like Fugeo007 suggestions work as several users have tried it, but my only problem with this is Fugeo007 suggestions are totally different than the Microsoft Article Q155216. Jonarden did the Microsoft method of installing Exchange to new hardware and this worked (but the Microsoft Article notes not to remove the Exchange Server but renaming the server before installing Exchange on new server) Microsoft article also notes to run setup with the /R switch. Both of these tasks are not included in fugeo007's instructions as his instructions note to Remove the server from the domain before installing Exchange Server on the new hardware. My question would be to Jonarden. Why did you choose the Microsoft Method and not Fugeo007 method?. Obviously both methods work i'm just trying to understand how the Fugeo007 method works versus the Microsoft method from article Q155216. I would prefer the Fugeo007 method so hope Fugeo007 is not upset with my notes here just trying to understand the best method to use to install Exchange 55 on new hardware replacing old server with new server using same server name, org and site names.


zooeythecat: In both Q155216 and Fuego007's procedures it is important to NOT initially remove the old Exchange server from the Exchange SITE using Exchange Administrator, but in both procedures the old exchange server has to be removed from the NT DOMAIN (using the properties on the NT box) before the old server is renamed. In Q155216, this process is described in the "Transfer the Core Data Files to the New computer" section.

The "set-up with the /R switch" (doing a stub install of new Exchange 5.5) eliminates the need for fuego007's step: "In each folder, create a folder named 'Hold', and move the contents of the folders into the respective 'Hold' folders." His step is required if a full (non-stub) install of Exchange 5.5 is done on the new server.

Fuego007's has previously noted in his posts that his approach is based on Q155216 (and it works quite well judging from the responses of those that have used it). Also, from my perspective, he describes the steps much more concisely and clearly than MS does in Q155216.

I provided (and used) the steps mentioned in Q155216 for 3 reasons: If a "disaster" occurred, I could (1) report to my management that I followed the MS procedure exactly. (2) I could also inform MS tech support of the exact MS suggested steps I used based on their specific procedures. (3) I could also use any revisions to the procedure that MS MAY have become aware of and included in Q155216, since it wss recently reviewed by MS.

Finally, I also provided some additional tips in my post above (outside the scope of Q155216) because they may also save considerable time and possible problems. Hope this helps!
Thanks Jonargen for clearing that up.

Fugeo007----Great job.

Thanks to both
where is fuego007? I emailed him but went nowhere.
I am going to run a migration but it is a PDC. I don't know if there is a problem to get the original back online if it doesn't smoothly. Any idea? Thanks,

I'm around, I just don't get here as often as I'd like. If the server you are going to replace is a PDC, you MUST have a bdc that can be promoted. You simply cannot replace a PDC without having a BDC to promote, as you will lose all security and account info. It doesn't much matter what kind of box it is as long as it can handle your authentication traffic. If you have a BDC that is a fairly stout box, leave it as your PDC after building the new server and rebuild the old server as a BDC (unless it's getting unreliable). If at all possible, Exchange should be on a member server, and not a domain controller.

If you need to contact me for questions, etc., e-mail me at either fuego007@mindspring.com or bob.robinson@gd-ns.com.

I am open to questions at these addresses any time, from anyone on Tek-Tips. The only caveat is that I be the only addressee of the e-mail so that I don't inadvertantly end up on any more spam lists than I am already.

Good luck,
Allot of good info, but I have a NT4.0 PDC that has Exchange 5.5 on it. Yes a PDC... I have another newer box Win2k Server that has a different name. I've already added it to the existing exchange site. I need to retain my PDC, and move Exchange 5.5 to the Win2k box. Hmmmm It looks like KingofSketch's method mite be best. Everything I've read it seems I'm not going to have to worry about loosing single instance attachment storage . COMMENTS PLEASE... I need to move this A.S.A.P. The box is dying and I need to get Exchange off of there and promote a BDC sooooon. Thank All.
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