A form that has worked for years is not getting a datatype mismatch (runtime error 13) and I don't understand why or how to fix it.
Basically, I'm retrieving a recordset from an oracle database and placing the values in textboxes. For date fields, I now get the error if the database field is null. Can someone tell me what needs to be changed to allow text boxes to accept null values?
The 2nd date is how it's always been and I just tried to substitute the Null value but get same error.
Basically, I'm retrieving a recordset from an oracle database and placing the values in textboxes. For date fields, I now get the error if the database field is null. Can someone tell me what needs to be changed to allow text boxes to accept null values?
txtLine1.Text =
IIf(IsNull(rs("WatermeterDate")), Null, Format(rs("WATERMETERDATE"), "mm/DD/yy"))
txtline2.Text =
IIf(IsNull(rs("WaterLeakageDate")), "", Format(rs("WATERLeakageDATE"), "mm/DD/yy"))