It seems like it has been a while since there was a general question, so here goes...
What do you find are your most used and useful user-defined functions?
To get the ball rolling, here is my list:
Name: AL_ApTempP
Args: (ByVal photance As Double, ByVal L1 As Double, ByVal L2 As Double) As Double
Desc: Calculates the apparent temperature of a source of specified photance over the specified waveband L1 to L2. L1 and L2 are specified in microns.
Name: AL_ApTempR
Args: (ByVal radiance As Double, ByVal L1 As Double, ByVal L2 As Double) As Double
Desc: Calculates the apparent temperature of a source of specified radiance over the specified waveband L1 to L2. L1 and L2 are specified in microns.
Name: AL_Concat
Args: (rng As Variant, Optional sepchar As Variant, Optional IsAscii As Variant) As String
Desc: This function joins the contents of all the cells in rng into one output string, optionaly separated by sepchar. If sepchar is numeric and IsAscii is set true, the separation character is the Ascii char denoted by the numeric value sepchar.
Name: AL_CountUnique
Args: (rng As range) As Long
Desc: Counts the number of cells in the supplied range having unique values. Empty cells are included in the count.
Name: AL_Fourier
Args: (inrng As range, Optional inverse As Boolean = False) As Variant
Desc: Returns the forward or inverse fourier transform of the input range
Name: AL_GetVal
Args: (Source As String, Optional pos As Integer, Optional sepchar As Variant)
Desc: Returns the numerical value at position "pos" in the string list delimited by the character "sepchar" Can be used in conjunction with LSQcoefs()
Name: AL_Iplate
Args: (inlist As range, outlist As range, inval As Variant) As Variant
Desc: Returns the value interpolated from outlist at the position interpolated in inlist by inval. The gradients of inlist and outlist may be positive or negative, but the signs of the gradients must be constant, I.e. both functions should be monotonic..
Name: AL_Like
Args: (teststr As String, matchstring As String) As Boolean
Desc: Mimics the VBA "Like" function - includes use of ? and * wildcards
Name: AL_LikeCount
Args: (inlist As range, checkstring As String) As Long
Desc: Returns the number of cells in "inlist" which are "like" the "checkstring"
Name: AL_LikeList
Args: (inlist As range, checkstring As String) As Variant
Desc: Generates an array output consisting of the values in those cells in "inlist" which are "like" the "checkstring"
Name: AL_LiveSort_1D
Args: (data As range, Optional HiToLow As Variant = False, Optional Showtiming As Variant = False) As Variant
Desc: This function should be entered as an array formula. It returns a sorted version of the specified range. Default sort order is low to high.
Name: AL_LSQcoefs
Args: (order As Integer, xvals As range, yvals As range, Optional sigmalimit As Variant) As String
Desc: Returns a comma-delimited string holding the polynomial coeficients for the least-squares fit of order "order" for the coordinates given in xvals and yvals.
Name: AL_Photance
Args: (lo As Double, hi As Double, Temp As Double, Optional Steps As Variant = 1000) As Variant
Desc: Returns the photance calculated over the given waveband (L1 to L2 in microns) of a blackbody at the specified temperature (in K)
Name: AL_PolyCalc
Args: (X As Double, coefs As range) As Double
Desc: Returns the value of the polynomial defined by the coefficients in the range coefs, evaluated at the point X
Name: AL_Radiance
Args: (lo As Double, hi As Double, Temp As Single, Optional Steps As Variant = 1000) As Variant
Desc: Returns the radiance (W/m^2/Str) calculated over the given waveband (L1 to L2 in microns) of a blackbody at the specified temperature (in K)
Name: AL_sApTempP
Args: (radiance As Double, Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range) as Variant
Desc: Returns the apparent temperature of a body with the given photance in the specified spectrum
Name: AL_sApTempR
Args: photance As Double, Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range) as Variant
Desc: Returns the apparent temperature (K) of a body with the given photance in the specified spectrum
Name: AL_sPhotance
Args: (Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range, temp As Double) As Variant
Desc: Returns the spectral Photance (Ph/s/m^2/str), calculated for the given spectral response
Name: AL_sRadiance
Args: (Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range, temp As Double) As Variant
Desc: Returns the spectral Radiance (W/m^2/str), calculated for the given spectral response
What do you find are your most used and useful user-defined functions?
To get the ball rolling, here is my list:
Name: AL_ApTempP
Args: (ByVal photance As Double, ByVal L1 As Double, ByVal L2 As Double) As Double
Desc: Calculates the apparent temperature of a source of specified photance over the specified waveband L1 to L2. L1 and L2 are specified in microns.
Name: AL_ApTempR
Args: (ByVal radiance As Double, ByVal L1 As Double, ByVal L2 As Double) As Double
Desc: Calculates the apparent temperature of a source of specified radiance over the specified waveband L1 to L2. L1 and L2 are specified in microns.
Name: AL_Concat
Args: (rng As Variant, Optional sepchar As Variant, Optional IsAscii As Variant) As String
Desc: This function joins the contents of all the cells in rng into one output string, optionaly separated by sepchar. If sepchar is numeric and IsAscii is set true, the separation character is the Ascii char denoted by the numeric value sepchar.
Name: AL_CountUnique
Args: (rng As range) As Long
Desc: Counts the number of cells in the supplied range having unique values. Empty cells are included in the count.
Name: AL_Fourier
Args: (inrng As range, Optional inverse As Boolean = False) As Variant
Desc: Returns the forward or inverse fourier transform of the input range
Name: AL_GetVal
Args: (Source As String, Optional pos As Integer, Optional sepchar As Variant)
Desc: Returns the numerical value at position "pos" in the string list delimited by the character "sepchar" Can be used in conjunction with LSQcoefs()
Name: AL_Iplate
Args: (inlist As range, outlist As range, inval As Variant) As Variant
Desc: Returns the value interpolated from outlist at the position interpolated in inlist by inval. The gradients of inlist and outlist may be positive or negative, but the signs of the gradients must be constant, I.e. both functions should be monotonic..
Name: AL_Like
Args: (teststr As String, matchstring As String) As Boolean
Desc: Mimics the VBA "Like" function - includes use of ? and * wildcards
Name: AL_LikeCount
Args: (inlist As range, checkstring As String) As Long
Desc: Returns the number of cells in "inlist" which are "like" the "checkstring"
Name: AL_LikeList
Args: (inlist As range, checkstring As String) As Variant
Desc: Generates an array output consisting of the values in those cells in "inlist" which are "like" the "checkstring"
Name: AL_LiveSort_1D
Args: (data As range, Optional HiToLow As Variant = False, Optional Showtiming As Variant = False) As Variant
Desc: This function should be entered as an array formula. It returns a sorted version of the specified range. Default sort order is low to high.
Name: AL_LSQcoefs
Args: (order As Integer, xvals As range, yvals As range, Optional sigmalimit As Variant) As String
Desc: Returns a comma-delimited string holding the polynomial coeficients for the least-squares fit of order "order" for the coordinates given in xvals and yvals.
Name: AL_Photance
Args: (lo As Double, hi As Double, Temp As Double, Optional Steps As Variant = 1000) As Variant
Desc: Returns the photance calculated over the given waveband (L1 to L2 in microns) of a blackbody at the specified temperature (in K)
Name: AL_PolyCalc
Args: (X As Double, coefs As range) As Double
Desc: Returns the value of the polynomial defined by the coefficients in the range coefs, evaluated at the point X
Name: AL_Radiance
Args: (lo As Double, hi As Double, Temp As Single, Optional Steps As Variant = 1000) As Variant
Desc: Returns the radiance (W/m^2/Str) calculated over the given waveband (L1 to L2 in microns) of a blackbody at the specified temperature (in K)
Name: AL_sApTempP
Args: (radiance As Double, Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range) as Variant
Desc: Returns the apparent temperature of a body with the given photance in the specified spectrum
Name: AL_sApTempR
Args: photance As Double, Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range) as Variant
Desc: Returns the apparent temperature (K) of a body with the given photance in the specified spectrum
Name: AL_sPhotance
Args: (Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range, temp As Double) As Variant
Desc: Returns the spectral Photance (Ph/s/m^2/str), calculated for the given spectral response
Name: AL_sRadiance
Args: (Spectrum As Range, Tx As Range, temp As Double) As Variant
Desc: Returns the spectral Radiance (W/m^2/str), calculated for the given spectral response