I've been given a project at work that I'm hoping someone can help me with.
Our marketing department want to create a section on there internal homepage to feature 5 articles a day, track the most popular articles by how many people use the links provided to the full text of the article, and then populate a box of the top 5 most popular articles. They want to do this with as much automation as possible, very little human interaction.
Here is the code for the stories piece:
Is there a way to track the link hits and create a list of the most popular articles (possibly using refresh pages to track??), or is this just something that is going to have to be managed by a web coordinator?
Our marketing department want to create a section on there internal homepage to feature 5 articles a day, track the most popular articles by how many people use the links provided to the full text of the article, and then populate a box of the top 5 most popular articles. They want to do this with as much automation as possible, very little human interaction.
Here is the code for the stories piece:
<td><p class="style11"><a href="main.html#top"><img src="images/logo.jpg" width="511" height="44" border="0"></a><br>
<span class="style18"><a href="main.html#1">Weekly WYSdom: The Excellent Day</a></span><br>
How to make the most of each business day from FA, Bill Smith.<br>
<span class="style18"><a href="main.html#2">Six Steps to a Secure Retirement Seminar</a></span><br>
New Envision seminar for retirees and preretirees now available.<br>
<span class="style18"><a href="main.html#3">Roth Conversion Opportunity</a></span><br>
Traditional IRA account holders over age 701/2 also have an expanded opportunity to reposition their taxable retirement savings to a tax-free Roth IRA under new regulations<br>
<span class="style18"><a href="main.html#4">Consulting for Foundations: How to Get Started</a></span><br>
Sensible advice on asset allocation can help a private foundation steer clear of tax laws and better pursue its charitable mission—and get you tapped into a lucrative investment consulting niche. <br>
<span class="style18"><a href="main.html#5">DMA Success Story</a></span><br>
Whayne Porter recounts how DMA helped him win a major new client.</p>
Is there a way to track the link hits and create a list of the most popular articles (possibly using refresh pages to track??), or is this just something that is going to have to be managed by a web coordinator?