I have a listbox set up for multiple selection, and for some reason, I can't retrieve updated information on it. It is set up for multiple selection, and the check against it is triggered by a submit button. Everything is set as runat="Server" - so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. What I can say is that when running a check against it:
dim MyListItem as ListItem
dim MyString as String
for each MyListItem in MyListBox.Items
if MyListItem.Selected then
MyString = MyString + MyListItem.Value + ", "
end if
What is returned by the above code is the original state of the listbox - not the modified state. What do I need to do to ensure values are updated as the user performs selections?
dim MyListItem as ListItem
dim MyString as String
for each MyListItem in MyListBox.Items
if MyListItem.Selected then
MyString = MyString + MyListItem.Value + ", "
end if
What is returned by the above code is the original state of the listbox - not the modified state. What do I need to do to ensure values are updated as the user performs selections?