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Monitor turns off after reboot & does not come back 3

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Jan 9, 2002
I have just built my self a new computer and everything works fine except when I reboot(restart) the computer the monitor turns off and does not come back on. To get the screen back up I have to turn the computer all the way off and then turn it back on. I dont know if this is a video issue or what but its bugging me. Please help.

I have the Radeon 8500 128mb video card in there if that helps.
Thanks in advance
I don't think it's a power supply issue. I'm running an 1GHz T-bird with 512MB PC133, Radeon 8500, TDK burner, 52x CD, 40GB WD ATA100 7200RPM, 6 cooling fans, scanner, Zip100, Xgamer SB card on a 300W PSU. Runs perfect with everything going full throttle.

I agree about updating the driver. Check your BIOS settings, make sure everything is configured okay there. Jay [atom]

"Jeezus-sqeezits Bob!"
Oh, I almost forgot, I installed a new 60GB WD yesterday as well. I gotta be at the limit but I think it shoots down your PSU not being able to handle the load if it's greater than 300W. Jay [atom]

"Jeezus-sqeezits Bob!"
I have now downloaded the newest driver for the 8500LE from ATI's web page. That didn’t fix the problem, so I put another video card in out of a computer that I know is working and it was doing the same thing. I plugged the computer with the good video card (and the one I know that works), into the monitor being used on the new pc and everything worked fine. I have checked the BIOS setting, everything in there looks right. The only thing I need to try now is putting the 8500LE into the working PC but I really don’t think it is the video card anymore. Does anybody have any more suggestions? Please help me....lol, at first it didn’t aggravate me so much, but now that I cant get it fixed...lol I’m not happy. Thanks for all your suggestions anyways.
It is very possible that you have a driver/setting problem with your system...however, I still maintain that you should check hardware first! **With all due respect** to the people that are so graciously helping....You said that the problem still occurs when you have been in Safe/vga mode....then why are we trying to go for video drivers?

If it were my computer, I would strip out any unneeded hardware for the purposes of your test (any extra fans, sound cards, NIC, whatever). See if it happens. If the problem still exists, then start swapping out CPU, RAM, etc one at a time.

It sounds like everybody wants to see you get it going! Please post back with results, and I'm sure we'll all get you pointed in the right direction! ----------------------------------------
Groucho Marx said it best...
"A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five."
Wow Jabz you have a dilema!
Let me see, correct me if I'm wrong. Your monitor won't reboot. You know it's not the video card because you used another good working video card and it did the same thing. Just out of curiosity did you use a pci video card that would rule out the agp slot you are putting the card in.
Did you say you tested your monitor on another tower and it worked fine? Mudskipper is right if it won't work in safe mode than it is a hardware issue, due to the fact in safe mode there are a limited amount of drivers loaded. Did you look in the power managment options in the control panel? It just seems like it is probably one of those easy things that we are overlooking. Don't pull your hair out over it I'm sure with all this help one of us will get it.
Keep us posted,
Cindy [ponder]
jabz--it would also help to know the answer to this....

If you boot up to a floppy boot disk, and they you hit your reset button, do you get the same symptom? Or does it reboot just fine? How about if you hit ctrl+alt+del instead of the reset button?
Groucho Marx said it best...
"A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five."
Also, make sure Windows has the proper monitor driver. It is something that is usually over looked but it does play an important role. Especially with "Energy Saver" monitors. Jay [atom]

"Jeezus-sqeezits Bob!"
Hi jabz,

For the TV-out, I noticed the video card didn't detect my older monitor. My old monitor wasn't plug n play ready and didn't have any of the new monitor certifications. I used a newer monitor and never had the problem again.

When you plug a plug n play monitor into a computer for the first time, a "New Hardware Detected" message should show up in Windows 9x.

What is your monitor's make/model/approx year? And have you tried any other monitors?

I hope this helps, -Dave
(Do I get a gold star?)
:):):) I did it and I really could not have done it with out all of your posts, thank you very much.

Now how I did it, well I really didn’t think it was the video card but just to make sure I plugged it into another pc and it worked fine. After that I was almost sure it was the motherboard thanks to mudskipper and Cindy1. So I went to the manufacturer's web page and saw that they had updated their AGP driver for the board and so I downloaded and installed it and that didn’t do it. So I read up some more on the updates and saw that they had updated the BIOS as well. I downloaded the update, flashed my BIOS and now everything works. :)

For anyone who has anything weird(unexplainable) try the mobo manufacturer and see if they have made any updates and if not then you have taken out the easy part. Wow that would have saved me some time, but you live you learn. Thanks again everyone!!
Very glad to hear that it works!!!! Don't you LOVE troubleshooting?!! ----------------------------------------
Groucho Marx said it best...
"A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five."
Well I'm glad your problem is solved Jabz!
I'm not sure if you were complimenting me in the last post or what but Mudskipper and I will take it as a compliment. He he he The best thing about having a forum like this is that you have so many people with such great advice and they are speedy. Some boards you get the answer months later when you forgot the question and youv'e had 50 dilemas since then! lol
Thank you for the update,
Cindy [ponder]
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