Hi, this piece of script looks at a directory and removes files with a TXT or TMP extension that are older than 4 days. My problem is from where the script is ran, it also searches sub folders. I only want it to check the directory the vbs script is being executed from.
Can someone help me modify it please ?
' TITLE : HA4000_LogPurge_v0.1
' AUTHOR : Mike Chandler
' DATE : 23/06/2010
' VERSION : 0.1
' DESCRIPTION : Delete connection Monitor log files with the extensions BAK,TXT
' older than 4 days. Script must be run localy. Will only delete files that are older
' than 4 days from the current time the script is ran. Deletes files from
' the current directory. i.e Same directory the script is located.
'Current Date minus 4 days
dtmDate = Date - 4
Dim CurDir
strDay = Day(dtmDate)
If len(strDay) < 2 Then
strDay = "0" & strDay
End If
strMonth = Month(dtmDate)
If Len(strMonth) < 2 Then
strMonth = "0" & strMonth
End If
strYear = Year(dtmDate)
strTargetDate = strYear & strMonth & strDay
FolderCount = 0
DeletedCount = 0
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
CurDir = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell").CurrentDirectory & "\"
Set Thefolder = objFSO.GetFolder(CurDir)
StartTime = Now
WorkWithSubFolders Thefolder
EndTime = Now
Sub WorkWithSubFolders (AFolder)
Dim MoreFolders, TempFolder
FolderCount = FolderCount + 1
CheckExt AFolder
Set Morefolders = AFolder.Subfolders
For Each TempFolder In MoreFolders
WorkWithSubFolders (TempFolder)
End Sub
Sub CheckExt (AFolder)
Dim Afile, TheFiles
On Error Resume Next
Set TheFiles = AFolder.Files
For Each Afile In TheFiles
If UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName (AFile)) = "TXT" Then
Killfile (Afile)
ElseIf UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName (AFile)) = "TMP" Then
Killfile (Afile)
End If
End Sub
Sub Killfile (AFile)
On Error Resume Next
strModifyDay = day(Afile.DatelastModified)
If len(strModifyDay) < 2 Then
strModifyDay = "0" & strModifyDay
End If
strModifyMonth = Month(Afile.DateLastModified)
If len(strModifyMonth) < 2 Then
strModifyMonth = "0" & strModifyMonth
End If
strModifyYear = Year(Afile.DateLastModified)
strDate = strModifyYear & strModifyMonth & strModifyDay
If strDate < strTargetDate Then
objFSO.DeleteFile (AFile)
DeletedCount = DeletedCount + 1
End If
End Sub
Can someone help me modify it please ?
' TITLE : HA4000_LogPurge_v0.1
' AUTHOR : Mike Chandler
' DATE : 23/06/2010
' VERSION : 0.1
' DESCRIPTION : Delete connection Monitor log files with the extensions BAK,TXT
' older than 4 days. Script must be run localy. Will only delete files that are older
' than 4 days from the current time the script is ran. Deletes files from
' the current directory. i.e Same directory the script is located.
'Current Date minus 4 days
dtmDate = Date - 4
Dim CurDir
strDay = Day(dtmDate)
If len(strDay) < 2 Then
strDay = "0" & strDay
End If
strMonth = Month(dtmDate)
If Len(strMonth) < 2 Then
strMonth = "0" & strMonth
End If
strYear = Year(dtmDate)
strTargetDate = strYear & strMonth & strDay
FolderCount = 0
DeletedCount = 0
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
CurDir = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell").CurrentDirectory & "\"
Set Thefolder = objFSO.GetFolder(CurDir)
StartTime = Now
WorkWithSubFolders Thefolder
EndTime = Now
Sub WorkWithSubFolders (AFolder)
Dim MoreFolders, TempFolder
FolderCount = FolderCount + 1
CheckExt AFolder
Set Morefolders = AFolder.Subfolders
For Each TempFolder In MoreFolders
WorkWithSubFolders (TempFolder)
End Sub
Sub CheckExt (AFolder)
Dim Afile, TheFiles
On Error Resume Next
Set TheFiles = AFolder.Files
For Each Afile In TheFiles
If UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName (AFile)) = "TXT" Then
Killfile (Afile)
ElseIf UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName (AFile)) = "TMP" Then
Killfile (Afile)
End If
End Sub
Sub Killfile (AFile)
On Error Resume Next
strModifyDay = day(Afile.DatelastModified)
If len(strModifyDay) < 2 Then
strModifyDay = "0" & strModifyDay
End If
strModifyMonth = Month(Afile.DateLastModified)
If len(strModifyMonth) < 2 Then
strModifyMonth = "0" & strModifyMonth
End If
strModifyYear = Year(Afile.DateLastModified)
strDate = strModifyYear & strModifyMonth & strModifyDay
If strDate < strTargetDate Then
objFSO.DeleteFile (AFile)
DeletedCount = DeletedCount + 1
End If
End Sub