I have a K62-266 256Mb Ram. Things were going fine till a few weeks ago. When I log on to my home network, I can not access other PCs. They accasionaly see this one I am refering to here in this thread. I go to use the modem and it reboots PC. I take out the modem and I can see all other PCs fine. I reinstall the modem and it is back to not seeing other PCs on network and accessing the modem (DUN or Hyperterminal) and the PC reboots. I take out the modem and I am back to no problems with the network. This used to work for a year. I tried taking out the NIC and then the modem works. I install the NIC again and it is back to the above problem. There is no conflicts. I tried putting the modem on another IRQ but it just locks PC up? Wondering if the modem went bad or what?