I've got a REALLY annoying issue here. Basically, I have 2 sites (very similar setups, but different domains and different content). Here is my setup (this is using a WHMS, with cPanel... so I have to edit the pre_virtualhost_global.conf file, so my changes dont get overwritten);
The above config works fine when you have one or the other. If you have both of them however, it seems to get confused. I start seeing references to images from the other sites CDN (programatically added in), which leads me to think that either variables (or whole modules) are being shared across the sites (when they shouldn't be)
What am I doing wrong? I don't really wanna have to get a whole new server, just so I can run mod_perl on this site :/
I've got a REALLY annoying issue here. Basically, I have 2 sites (very similar setups, but different domains and different content). Here is my setup (this is using a WHMS, with cPanel... so I have to edit the pre_virtualhost_global.conf file, so my changes dont get overwritten);
ServerName domain1.com
ServerAlias [URL unfurl="true"]www.domain1.com[/URL]
DocumentRoot /home/user1/public_html
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain1.com
UseCanonicalName Off
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domain1.com combined
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domain1.com-bytes_log "%{%s}t %I .\n%{%s}t %O ."
ErrorLog /home/user1/error_log
## User user1 # Needed for Cpanel::ApacheConf
UserDir enabled user1
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_UserGroup user1 user1
<IfModule !mod_disable_suexec.c>
<IfModule !mod_ruid2.c>
SuexecUserGroup user1 user1
<IfModule mod_ruid2.c>
RUidGid user1 user1
PerlRequire /home/user1/startup.pl
PerlModule Apache2::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/user1/public_html/cgi-bin/
<Directory /home/user1/public_html/cgi-bin>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
PerlOptions +SetupEnv
Options +ExecCGI
ServerName domain2.com
ServerAlias [URL unfurl="true"]www.domain2.com[/URL]
DocumentRoot /home/user2/public_html
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain2.com
UseCanonicalName Off
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domain2.com combined
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domain2.com-bytes_log "%{%s}t %I .\n%{%s}t %O ."
ErrorLog /home/user2/error_log
## User user2 # Needed for Cpanel::ApacheConf
UserDir enabled user2
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_UserGroup user2 user2
<IfModule !mod_disable_suexec.c>
<IfModule !mod_ruid2.c>
SuexecUserGroup user2 user2
<IfModule mod_ruid2.c>
RUidGid user2 user2
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/user2/public_html/cgi-bin/
PerlRequire /home/user2/startup.pl
PerlModule Apache2::Reload
PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec
<Directory /home/user2/public_html/cgi-bin>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
PerlOptions +SetupEnv
Options +ExecCGI
The above config works fine when you have one or the other. If you have both of them however, it seems to get confused. I start seeing references to images from the other sites CDN (programatically added in), which leads me to think that either variables (or whole modules) are being shared across the sites (when they shouldn't be)
What am I doing wrong? I don't really wanna have to get a whole new server, just so I can run mod_perl on this site :/