Special applications were loaded as "red" and "green" features that had a high price tag due to the limited usage by the customer base and high development cost. "Green" features were Special Applications activated by Avaya Tier 3 using an additional password on the "Applications" screen. "Green" meant they would be carried forward into future loads. "Red" features were loaded using separate tapes, flash cards, etc. "Red" features were NOT guarenteed to be carried forward without the client incurring additional development cost paid to Avaya.
Eventually many of these, like MLPP, are rolled into the basic loads with just a small RTU price with license file activation. I'm not sure exactly when MLPP was changed from "Green" to RTU. I do remember using it on a couple of jobs I did for military installations in the mid- to late-1990's. At that time, it was probably V7 or V8, and it was a "Green" feature. Now, as mentioned above, it's a basic RTU.
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