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Mixed Restore of Exchange Server

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Apr 13, 2004
I need to restore the C:\ drive of an Exchange Server and the Exchange Directory to restore the functionality of an Add-in (Groupshield for Exchange) which I can't seem to remove or re-install it.

Is it possible to restore the Exchsrvr root partition and the Directory to a state, sometime last week, without touching the Information Store? After the restore, in this case, the working directores for MTA IMS and MDB will all contain entries which are older than the current contents of the Priv and Pub databases.

Groupshield Technical Supported recommended that I completely roll back the server to the last good backup before I attempted to uninstall their product. If I do that, we'll lose about a week's worth of email on this server. I've had nothing but grief uninstalling their product, whenever I've tried.

Thanks for any suggestions.
I went through something like this a few months ago try to remove and install GroupShield on our Exchange 5.5 I had problems also with the Add-ins directory. It was all related to the permissions granted to that folder. The install routine is supposed to grant certain permissions to that folder structure but does not. So it can't copy the right files or set permissions on them correctly. I didn't get much from NAI either they said to just restore the server.

What Version are you uninstalling? What specific errors are you getting?
Thanks SG6

I'm trying to install version 5.01 of Groupshield.
I removed version 5.0.964.1
A window titled "Mcafee Groupshield for Exchange Setup Aborted" appears, with the message :"Installation Ended prematurely because of an Error" When I attempt to install an old version 4.X I get a windows installer error : "Unspecified Error"
Did you resolve your issue by changing permissions on the Add-Ins directory?

I was getting a few different errors but changing the permissions on the folder did work me. I wrote down the routine before I went live with it. I'll see if I can find it for you when I get to work tomorrow.

With that error you could look in the installer folder in your %windir% directory, look at all the *.msi files right click on them and look at the summery tab and if they are related to groupshield delete them and then try to reinstall or with 5.0+ try the repair option.


Here is the procedure I followed, maybe it will give you an idea to your issue. I was lucky enough to have a copy of this server in a virtual environment to test this before going live with it.

Hope it helps.

1. Create a Recovery backup
2. Sign on as administrator
3. Create RDISK
4. Stop Internet Mail Service and set it to manual startup
5. Uninstall NetShield 4.0.3
6. Reboot
7. Check to make sure that the Internet Mail Service is stopped
8. Set Full permissions for the Administrators Group on the following folders and subfolders
9. Follow NAI Groupshield procedures for Solution ID: 1.0.12068650.2653318
10. Reboot when step #9 is complete
11. Copy Group Shield folder and from cd and InstMsiW.exe to Desktop
12. Run the “InstMsiW.exe” (for new MS installer version)
13. Verify NetBIOS Communication (Very Important!! Do not continue until this step successful)
14. Run the setup.exe for GroupShield Service Pack 2 Full MSI Install (it will fail)
15. Set Full permissions for the Administrators Group on the following folders and subfolders
C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee
C:\Program Files\McAfee\GroupShield Exchange
16. Run Setup again using the repair option with all the custom settings to verify
17. Reboot
18. Test email server with the eicar test virus
19. Test body filtering.
20. Install Client AV software, 7.10 Enterprise.
21. Update and configure proper exclusions
22. Test server with the eicar test virus
23. Enable IMS.
24. Reboot and test functionality and connectivity
Thanks SG6.
I appreciate the detail in your post. I'll give it a try before attempting to restore the server.

I spoke with Microsoft Support yesterday. They seem to feel that I shouldn't have a problem restoring %exchange root% and the dir.edb, as long as I run the consistency adjuster afterwards.

I'll let you know if I have any luck. Thanks again

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