Get Mitels express messenger, it will do most of what you want it to up to 8 ports, it is easy to program and it installs in one of your slots. It will work better in a high power slot, but it still works in the low power slots
Technically the Express messenger is for LW17 and higher. Do you have Lightware 17 on your SX-200Digital?? I believe the Express Messenger ports are programmed as DNIC ports (SS420 or SS430) again, will your software support these phones?
I know you can pop an Express Messenger in a LW15 or 16 and it works but that is on a 200Light.
Depends on how you want to use voicemail. If have a lot of users, they will love the Mitel 6500 Unified Messenger. All voicemails will dump into Exchange fairly seamlessly. I have used in places with 300+ clients.
Repartee amil , is pretty simple ,. but you might as well buy a mitel ip 3300 box , you get 500 free mail boxes and its your first step in the door for IP...2in1 easy
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