I'm having trouble converting voicemail greeting audio (/vmail/d/vm/msg/msg<ext>.vox) to wav. I've had no trouble doing so with name recordings /vmail/d/vm/name/nam<ext>.vox. In Audacity, File > Import > Raw Data... (Encoding: U-Law, Byte order: Little-endian, Channels: 1 Channel (Mono), Start offset: 0 bytes, Amount to import: 100%, Sample rate: 8000 Hz). When I do this with greeting audio files, I see odd wave forms like this:
I hear only buzzy/choppy noise/static, nothing recognizable as voice/speech.
Unlike the nam<ext>.vox files which vary in size, all the msg<ext>.vox files are 30 KB in size, which seems unusual.
Do you have any ideas/suggestions?
Edit: Oh, this is for a working 3300 and greetings sound fine/normal when I call an extension...

I hear only buzzy/choppy noise/static, nothing recognizable as voice/speech.
Unlike the nam<ext>.vox files which vary in size, all the msg<ext>.vox files are 30 KB in size, which seems unusual.

Edit: Oh, this is for a working 3300 and greetings sound fine/normal when I call an extension...