Looking for any better ideas to handle transfer restrictions from voicemail.
I have come across this problem many times. The application being a 200 ICP in hotel environment using EMEM. An outside caller is able to reach the EMEM (whether auto-attendant or a staff members mailbox) and then dialing any extension they wish - including guest rooms. I need to be able to block access to the guest rooms for security reasons. Since we are not using the AA package with and AA huntgroup, the restrictions for AA in form 49 are not applicable.
So I always use tenant restrictions. I separate tenants for staff, guests, and voicemail ports. I restrict the voicemail tenants from accessing the guest tenants. However, because auto-wakeup calls are done through voicemail, I reserve a couple ports with unrestricted tenants to be used for those, and put them in a separate hunt group. In form 19 I assign that HG to the wakeup routes.
Problems with this
a) very time consuming for several systems that I find are already programmed with only one tenant for everything
b) for some reason, on many systems- after I create the 'blind transfer block', I find that the auto-wakeups do not work until I clear the restriction I set in form 5 even though I had separate ports for w/u. On these certain systems I cannot find what else could be missing. I have had to resort to "cannot have it both ways - either auto-wakeups or restricted blind transfers".
I have been dealing with this problem for a couple years now, and it keeps resurfacing.
Any input or magical solutions would be much appreciated.
I have come across this problem many times. The application being a 200 ICP in hotel environment using EMEM. An outside caller is able to reach the EMEM (whether auto-attendant or a staff members mailbox) and then dialing any extension they wish - including guest rooms. I need to be able to block access to the guest rooms for security reasons. Since we are not using the AA package with and AA huntgroup, the restrictions for AA in form 49 are not applicable.
So I always use tenant restrictions. I separate tenants for staff, guests, and voicemail ports. I restrict the voicemail tenants from accessing the guest tenants. However, because auto-wakeup calls are done through voicemail, I reserve a couple ports with unrestricted tenants to be used for those, and put them in a separate hunt group. In form 19 I assign that HG to the wakeup routes.
Problems with this
a) very time consuming for several systems that I find are already programmed with only one tenant for everything
b) for some reason, on many systems- after I create the 'blind transfer block', I find that the auto-wakeups do not work until I clear the restriction I set in form 5 even though I had separate ports for w/u. On these certain systems I cannot find what else could be missing. I have had to resort to "cannot have it both ways - either auto-wakeups or restricted blind transfers".
I have been dealing with this problem for a couple years now, and it keeps resurfacing.
Any input or magical solutions would be much appreciated.