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Missing:Zero Configuration/Available networks

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Jul 20, 1999
I replaced one brand (B series) with a Linksys G series router to use with cable modem. My wired PC (XP Pro)can connect to internet (although I am having some EMAIL problems (outlook). I installed a (matching) Linksys PCMCIA card (G series)in my XP home notebook.

Bottom line: I can not connect to internet, when I run MSCONFIG on the notebook, I have NO Wireless Zero Config showing as a service, and when I check available networks-there aren't any, plus the top part of the AVAIL Networks window is grayed out as are the advanced and connect buttons.

I have done a million things short of re-installing the OS and getting new equipment (the stuff I installed is brand new)

Help!! (I have read other posts but didn't see this one
Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services.

Scroll towards the bottom of the list to Wireless Zero Configuration. Start the service. Set its Startup type to Automatic.

Thnaks for responce, but did u read my 2nd paragraph?
Thanks for the ideas. Here's where I am now (still not working):
On the desktop which is hardwired to router (WRT54G Linksys) my INET connection is fine. I can no longer use outlook for mail and have to go to ISP for web mail. This was all fine before I changed routers

I blew away the (notebook) drive and reinstalled orig stuff. I now do have the zero config. When I launch it and it shows the "Wireless Network Connection box, I now have the "advanced" button on bottom left. I do NOT have the connect button. Under Avail. wireless networks, there aren't any!
Using advanced,and viewing properties, I now have the "wireless networks tab, but no networks show

The PCMCIA card (Linksys WPC54G)is ok in device manager

Do I have bad router, card or is router setting off

This isn't first time setting wireless up on a network and I'm frustrated!

I Have wirless-G adapter device on my laptop (wpc54g), the wifi net is ok and recodnized the wireless router (beew11s4), but i can't connect to the internet in the laptop or it's 2 slow, any suggestions ? do i need to configure somthing? and if yes what?
Thanks Ori
BYarn::: For the problem with Outlook, you just have to open ports for that to work. For the wireless problem...make sure that you have ssid broadcast is enabled on the router. Also, when you click on Advanced (when viewing available wireless networks), make sure that Allow Windows to configure my wireless network is checked

Origu::: try to check if it's possible to set your card to connect to 802.11b networks only
Problem solved! Thanks everyone. Frankly don't know what I did that I didn't already try (how many times have we heard that!). The last thing I had done was to (again) disable/re-enable SSID broadcast, and suddenly everything was set. Just need to check Outlook on desktop (does work on notebook)

I've used other routers besides/incl Linksys before, but they could do a better job, esp for people with no experience, in some of the details incl their quick guides.

Thanks again to all!
Hail bcastner! We are not worthy, not worthy!

I have been lurking on this thread, and others on tek-tips which are similar to it regarding Wifi issues; where your Wifi connection has a great signal, good connection, pings OK, etc. etc... but the Internet is a no-go. Been working on this myself for about two weeks; I have a new IBM laptop running XP pro, with IBM's wifi PCI card (802.11b), trying to get it to comm to a Linksys WRT54G. What a hassle. Almost ready to chuck the built-in PCI card and add Linksys' NIC card just to stay brand-specific. Also, IBM tech support is *so* lost on these issues...

Anyhoo, bcastner's tip on the winsockfix.exe was the solution. Almost fell off my chair. Hats off to the author of that one, and bcastner's persistence in recommending it...

Many thanks!

Must have mixed the mention of winsockfix.exe on another forum(?). Will now check it out.

For what its worth..once I got by this issue and My WiFi PCMCIA card worked, I installed my old DLink on another notebook (B series, don't rmember the Model). Once I put the SSID in the config, it worked immediately. The whole process was 15 minutes, not hours! Again, too bad Linksys doesn't document that as a tip even on their quick guides.

My only problem now is on my desktop, Outlook, outlook express and media player can't connect. All is ok on notebook which leads me to think that something else is up (I temporarily removed Zone Alarm Pro 4 and maybe there is some residual(???) even though I cleaned the registry (too clean??)

I had a similar issue with the WRT54G when I got my first one. I immediately updated the firmware, and all seemed at first installation to work fine -- except for email issues.

What I discovered was that the mail server issued an IGMP registration request that the router did not respond to. (This is a relatively harmless request to identify group routers).

To fix:

. Disconnect all clients except for one wired client;
. Access the router setup pages, and not any settings. They will be lost.
. Hold in the reset button until all the lights flash, the diag light comes on, then the diag light goes out. Takes about 15-20 seconds.
. Unplug the router for one minute. Plug it back in.
. Access the router setup again and redo your settings. Exit the setup pages.
. Hold the reset button briefly, a short reset sequence.
. Check again the setup pages that your settings are still retained.
. Unplug the router for one minute.


OK thanks I'll try.

You DO know I'm hesitant to do anything that will upset a finally working setup!! <G>
Tryed it. , doesn't work. Outlook times out with following error:

Task 'mail.xxxxxx.net - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x8004210A) : 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

Thanks anyway!!
Check your MTU settings on the router. 1500 for cable, 1492 for DSL.
if it's for outlook and mtu does not work, try forwarding ports 25 and 110-113.
I'm going to refer back to the original post. BYarn mentioned that there was NO Wireless Zero config service installed on his configuration. It appears the only wy he got it back was to RELOAD XP. Does anyone know how to get this re-installed? I have a laptop that has it missing. The only way I've been able get this working was to use the manufacturers utility to config the NIC. Since I have to support this unit.
I've tried winsockfix, and reinstalling the SP1 update to no avail. Like I said, it's working, just bugs me that the WZC got uninstalled and I could not get it back.
run regedit and find


add a DWORD entry named &quot;Start&quot; and
value &quot;2&quot;

I did not have to reload XP. This goes back a while, but as I remember, there were two separate (but possibly overlapping issues). I should note, also that (knock on wood) I haven't had a problem since and just got through adding a switch and wired print server to my network (wired and wireless). They are both connected to the wireless/wired WRT54G Linksys.

I had a failed uninstall of Zone alarm 4 Pro. In my 11/17 post I said &quot;My only problem now is on my desktop (PC), Outlook, outlook express and media player can't connect&quot; The pattern was clear: something was stopping all outbound traffic. Even though I had run uninstall on ZA, there were a number of pieces of it and mangled registry entries which needed clean up. Once done the problem went away.

The wireless problem (remember that my wired PCs were ok) may have been related to the ZA problem, but I suspect that the wireless config just took a while to &quot;wake up&quot; (how's that for a technical explaination!) and recognize the setup.
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