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Mirroring files to the network 2

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Nov 26, 2003
I was wondering if there was a free tool like Network file monitor pro (not offline folders, they don't work right) that would mirror a folder to another location for my to use on my laptop. I want to be able to mirror my My Documents to a network drive. I have been using Network File Monitor Pro, but i need something that is freeware. Thanks!
The best is to synchronize your files from the network server (your home desktop in this case) to your laptop and not the other way around. This works wonderfully with Offline Folders.

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."
yeah but when i go home and use the laptop, none of my files show up
You must log onto the same account. It works per profile, not per computer.

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."

I like offline files as a feature as well.
But a question:

If I setup the offline storage as you suggested above, what happens if I have 2-30 people share a single workstation?

As far as I know there is only a single cache on the local workstation for offline files, independent of how many users are defined.

Bcaster, I'm not one to argue with you cause you DO know your technical stuff, but I find so many people answer questions beyond what the person is looking for.

If we read the ORIGNAL post, he wants to synchronize HIS files for HIS documents on HIS laptop....

Where does it say he wants to worry about 30 people?

Offine folders is built-in, easy to use and comes with the OS, it answers everything he needs..... why 3rd party?

If he would of said he wanted a software to synchronize 20 different accounts on a laptop or workstation, Offline folders is the LAST thing you want, and I would be the first one to agree...

I guess what I'm pointing out (and I'm not pointing this directly at you Bcastner) is that many people go beyond the answer to get those famous STARS and I find that is misleading people.

It's like asking to buy a small car and someone tells you their's nothing like a Hummer..... right after someone posts about a Pinto..... it gets misleading...

.. it's one of those days I guess.. I don't usually follow up on these things.

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."

I offered above a freeware tool I like for the orignal poster.

Honestly, I was asking a question that I have no good answer for. Using offline files in a multi-user setting. I was impressed with your distinction between the source and host for offline storage, and thought you might have a good suggestion for a long-standing puzzle for offline storage with multiple users of a notebook or desktop.

And I have enough Stars, that is not my interest. I honestly do not "troll" for stars. I on my own part do not have a good answer for multi-user offline file usage, and hoped you had some thoughts.

I apologize if my interest in any way appeared as a critical comment to your contributions.

Bill Castner

thanks for all your efforts, i personally don't like offline folders, and perfer a 3rd party program. I have found 2 now, the GhostFiles version 2 and the other one mentioned above.
Yup, I got carried away.. I can talk for hours about this stuff because I love it. No apologies needed, this is how you filter out the ones that DO know what they are doing.

Simply said, no, I do not have a better answer for you as far as offline folder from MS go, but on the flip side, I did not agree in sending abuthemagician to get a 3rd party software when it's already built-in... and that's why I got carried away.

I should be the one apoligizing, but it was not intended to offend you, but rather to raise an opinion that has been bugging me for some time... that probably nobody will read.. oh well.. at least I feel better :)

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."

I meant to post this in an earlier thread:
Welcome to Tek-Tips.

You participation is very good, and all of us welcome you to the site.

On point: "but on the flip side, I did not agree in sending abuthemagician to get a 3rd party software when it's already built-in... and that's why I got carried away."


. the original post asked for third-party, freeware. It is a little rough when you shoot the messenger;
. I have some sympathy with your position, that natively this can be and should be done under XP. I have equal sympathey for the OP's argument that third-party tools can do it better.

If you are ever in the (USA) Washington, DC area, the beers are on me.

Bill Castner

Have you tried Second Copy? I have had it for about 2 years, and love it. Can't remember if it was freeware/shareware or if I had to buy it. If I did pay for it, I don't regret it a bit.
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