Does it sound like the hard drive is running? Or does the hard drive sound noisy? These have so much age on them I'd guess the hard drive has bitten the dust. They can be repaired, but you might consider going with a Startalk Flash instead.
Before you give up on it completely, try pressing feature 9*1 from system phone. If that doesn't get you back in, try rebooting the phone system and vm together.
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AMDMaine if F983 asks for password then your system has defaulted, if you see nothing then it has connection issues with the KSU or hard drive failure.
I have problem with flash talk which shows inactive features 981,982,983. If I dial the extension, some time the VM will ring and no answer, then even the extension shows not in service. Was tested out with the same 6/16 DR5 and was working. Any suggestion? wires OK, Pair directly connected outside QCB to make sure QCB is not problem.
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