I think I solved your questions regarding your two issues:
(Note: I did test this!)
if I want to have
num 1's earliest time and lasted time
num 2's earliest time and lasted time
num 3's earliest time and lasted time
what if I don't know exact numbers?
This works great, give it a try ! I've just appended code to your previous code, beginning at Start of cptk's
set readFile [open "listsort.txt" "r"]
gets $readFile line
while {![eof $readFile]} {
# write the line to the backup file "output this line to a file"
set lineList1 [string map {\" ""} $line]
set storeNum [lindex $lineList1 0]
set startTime [lindex $lineList1 1]
set closeTime [lindex $lineList1 2]
puts "$storeNum $startTime $closeTime"
#set lineList2 [split $lineList1 " "]; #make a proper list
lappend storeList $lineList1; #list of lists
gets $readFile line
#now work on storeList
#set openList [lsort -index 1 $storeList]
set openList [lsort -index 1 $storeList]
puts "earliest opening time = [lindex $openList 0]"
set closeList [lsort -index 2 -decreasing $storeList]
puts "latest closing time = [lindex $closeList 0]"
##### Start of cptk's #####
set StoreName ""
set StoreId ""
set StoreNum ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $storeList]} {incr i} {
I got this answer
1 10:10 16:00
2 11:10 17:00
3 11:20 18:00
here is a code.
but if you have any good idea, please advise me.
if we don't know "num", let say 1000
can I use "while" loop?
I think..I need to change this loop to for-loop
Do you have any idea??
thank you
foreach elm $storeList {
switch [lindex $elm 0] {
1 {lappend sublist1 $elm}
2 {lappend sublist2 $elm}
3 {lappend sublist3 $elm}
Thank you all
num open close
1 "10:10" "12:00"
1 "12:10" "14:00"
1 "14:10" "16:00"
2 "11:10" "13:00"
2 "14:10" "16:00"
2 "15:10" "17:00"
3 "11:20" "12:00"
3 "12:10" "13:00"
3 "14:10" "18:00"
set readFile [open "b.txt" "r"]
gets $readFile line
while {![eof $readFile]} {
# write the line to the backup file "output this line to a file"
set lineList1 [string map {\" ""} $line]
set storeNum [lindex $lineList1 0]
set startTime [lindex $lineList1 1]
set closeTime [lindex $lineList1 2]
puts "$storeNum $startTime $closeTime"
lappend storeList $lineList1; #list of lists
gets $readFile line
puts "#######"
foreach elm $storeList {
switch [lindex $elm 0] {
1 {lappend sublist1 $elm}
2 {lappend sublist2 $elm}
3 {lappend sublist3 $elm}
set openListA [lsort -index 1 $sublist1]
set openA "[lindex $openListA 0]"
set openAindex1 [lindex $openA 0];#house number
set openAindex2 [lindex $openA 1];#earliest opening time
set closeListA [lsort -index 2 -decreasing $sublist1]
set closeA "[lindex $closeListA 0]"
set closeAindex1 [lindex $closeA 2];#earliest opening time
puts "The result A : $openAindex1 $openAindex2 $closeAindex1"
set openListB [lsort -index 1 $sublist2]
set openB "[lindex $openListB 0]"
set openBindex1 [lindex $openB 0];#house number
set openBindex2 [lindex $openB 1];#earliest opening time
set closeListB [lsort -index 2 -decreasing $sublist2]
set closeB "[lindex $closeListB 0]"
set closeBindex1 [lindex $closeB 2];#earliest opening time
puts "The result B : $openBindex1 $openBindex2 $closeBindex1"
set openListC [lsort -index 1 $sublist3]
set openC "[lindex $openListC 0]"
set openCindex1 [lindex $openC 0];#house number
set openCindex2 [lindex $openC 1];#earliest opening time
set closeListC [lsort -index 2 -decreasing $sublist3]
set closeC "[lindex $closeListC 0]"
set closeCindex1 [lindex $closeC 2];#earliest opening time
puts "The result C : $openCindex1 $openCindex2 $closeCindex1"
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