Customer want to upgrade from the original T1 software to 4.1 or maybe higher.Do I need an upgrade tool? Will I lose any programming? And what is involved in upgrading their existing Nam to work with this?
Yes you would want to use the upgrade tool, unless you want to document and reprogram from scratch. There still is some programming necessary with the tool- but I can't remember just what is was- the last one I did was for Y2K.
i have lost all routing and service modes on upgrades...if the sysstem is arround 25 to 40 sets i would do a startup and do from scratch only take a couple hours to verify all programming and no wories about what did not carry over..
Since I have not performed one in years (I was told of some nightmare upgrades). The other thing is now there has been been 6 newer releases which kind of makes the upgrade tool an additional expense that could be more of a hassle.
If you have VM make sure your version is compatible with the MICS software you plan to upgrade to FIRST!
You may need to perform an upgrade on the VM or allow the MICS upgrade to be dictated by the compatible version.
I've just done an MICS R1T1 upgrade to 6.1. I surveyed the work and steps and checks I would need to do using the 'upgrade' tool. I easily determined that it was faster and more accurate to take out the programming by hand, and then 'handbomb' it back in. The system had about 40 phones... most of them the same. With 'set copy' it became about an hour's work.
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