I have a MICS 6.0 with a paging setup on a trunk to a Bogen PCM2000 zoned to five GS 250 amps. Also note that a PC with a monitoring and announcement application can access the page trunk to alert of machinery malfunction or hazards(fire). The plant also uses Motorola HT 1000 2 way radios. The issue is now we would like to use the paging system to also announce thru the radios. Presently there is not a base station for the radios. What product(s) could be utilized to make this work.
example of now working::: Machine failure - Monitor accesses announcement message for the type of failure which then accesses the middleware to access page trunk to PCM2000 transmits message to zones GS250 amps required to speakers
example of now working::: Machine failure - Monitor accesses announcement message for the type of failure which then accesses the middleware to access page trunk to PCM2000 transmits message to zones GS250 amps required to speakers