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MICS 8.0?

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Aug 8, 2008
Anyone know if Nortel is going to release any further SW for MICS?
I have not heard anything about any new version.
I doubt they may release a new version for a while. MICS 7.1 is a very stable release and there are a plethora of features that are available for every situation. I think 7.1 will be it for a while.

John Panzer

I would put a MICS over a BCM in a heart beat if they dont require IP.
BCM is just a box that requires constant patching.

Get any other system otherwise for IP.

Latest patch what 50 fixes?
Windows vs MAC

I wouldn't dare go to a BCM at all. Too much of a pain to setup. I would go to an Avaya IP office for VoIP. MICS is great for PRI/T1/analog POTS.

Then again, I'm probably never going to do anything for VoIP. I've tried VoIP and I can't hear it too well sometimes. It sounds kinda garbled to me like a cell phone does. I'll always prefer good ole' analog phone lines or T1/PRI.

John Panzer
I've made a nice life with Nortel products, but I'm telling you, Shoretel Rocks!

"Arizona Cardinals NFC Champions!
Voip sux. I'd take a MICS over a BCM any day of the week too!

Phonehed in Dallas
Thanks for the warning about BCM and VOP my customers are starting to ask about it like it is the latest fad. POTS is best for me.
I've had no major issues with the BCM50 3.0 or the BCM400 4.0. As far as VoIP I don't really like it either but hey it's here to stay. The nice thing about the BCM is that you can go either way TDM or VoIP.
Yup, POTS is still pretty hard to beat any way you look at it. I'm still telling all of my customers to wait at LEAST another year or two on VOIP until they can (hopefully) perfect the technology a little more.

For applications where "failure is not an option" like banks, police & fire stations, small hospitals etc., MICS with POTS (or at least a few POTS back up lines if they insist on a T-1) is the ONLY way to go!

You'd think Nortel would get smart and just come out with a VOIP card for the MICS and give the BCM the old heave HO before they finish their death plunge off into the abyss but NOOOO! They still want everyone to get rid of that diehard, dependable, Canadian made (if you're lucky) MICS and buy into that worthless, overpriced, BS BCM AND VOIP!

I also like to tell 'em that whenever they're ready to give up on that rock solid MICS AND spend way too much money AND be a Nortel/VOIP guinea pig, just let me know because we have no problem reconditioning and reselling those (last Canadian made) MIC Systems. We'll even give them a one or two year warranty depending on it's age. Now if it's a Mexican or Chinese made (or other) MICS? Nothing personal but, we'll pass thanks.

Back in the early 80's I used to sell, install & maintain whatever brand my customers wanted until it finally dawned on me that I would never be able to keep them all happy in the long run if they insisted on buying substandard systems. I started converting my entire (small to medium sized) customer base over to Norstar back in the early '90s with almost no help at all from Nortel along the way and I've got nothing but happy customers now.

I'm afraid we're all gonna see a lot of customers dumping all of their Nortel gear like a hot rock before long because of their bankruptcy and because they think they're not gonna be able to get parts or tech support if Nortel can't recover.

If Nortel bit the dust today, I know we would have no problem getting parts or tech support for at least another ten years. Hopefully I'll be retired by then but until something better comes along (and I haven't seen it yet) I'm sticking with MICS & CICS for my smaller customers!

Now if we could just get the damned economy going again...

Phonehed in Dallas
Last I heard (which was early last year some time) Nortel was planning to just let the old BCM die on the vine and try to migrate to the BCM-50 platform. My local source on that info has usually been pretty reliable over the last two decades or so. Anybody here heard different?

Phonehed in Dallas
Soon it will be just the BCM 50 and the BCM 450 as far as I know. I have not heard of any new RLS for the 400 yet so I think 4.0 is where it will stop. Anyone know anything different?
I agree with 90% of your post phonehed, but your missing the importance and inevitibility of VoIP. "Norstar's are bullet-proof" was our motto, when it came to POTS. But, if they have an existing network (80% do), then all your intra-lata and LD calls between company locations are free. Besides the internal CLID, and the possibility of Centralized Vmail w/o leased P-P T1s.

Just steal some bandwith off the ITs existing network. You've got tools to control quality. QoS, VLANs, different codecs all can be used to guarantee a 64K TDM type call.

I'm 48 and I knew in 2003 that I would never be able to be relevent in this trade in 10 years if I didn't learn VoIP.
Don't be a Luddite........lol..

"Arizona Cardinals NFC Champions!
You're right, Dewey. Voip is here to stay, but there are a few ways to implement it. You don't have to go to the desktop with voip. Channel banks, and MCDN save the customer the LD cash.

I still prefer CICS and MICS, and I agree wholeheartedly with Phonehed- the world needs a MICS VOIP card for those that insist on a touch screen phone on their desk.
I wonder if Nortel will relesae the 'styrofoam cups with fishing line' series system soon?...........
We can hope (wish).

So long as it isn't wireless technology, Nortel has been pretty good in the past. Now that technology exists to fit a PC in your wallet, why not a VOIP card for the MICS?
I can buy tons of MICS items on eBay. There is so much I feel it will alst til the time I retire.

I educate my clients that a basic system with lets say Centrex transfer fr site to site and cell phone transfer is really all they need. They are happy with that and don;t seem to ask for more.

Most customers I find, answer a call, place it on hold, transfer it, page, transfer to VM and not much more. Most of them don;t want or use Speed Dialing.

They like the cost savings I can provide vs the new system costs. I provide a solid 2 year warranty on all my Parter, Nortel and even some Merlins. Even a part goes bad I just throw it away and replace it, the parts are that cheap. CI cards etc. are a bargin cause I shop like a fiend for the best prices to beat my compition.

Hey just ran into a big Toshiba Strata. Is there a forum on here for Staratas?
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