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Microsoft VBScript runtime error '8

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Mar 11, 2004
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied

Does anyone know how to set the permissions so that everything works fine.

I have a 2003 server that is on a domain or network
I'm using IIS and ASP/VBScript I'm trying to run this bat file. Once the client is one a certain page. I have set the IUSR acount to full access to the folder so I set that up. I have researched every where and I tried the suggestions but it seems not to work.
Can someone please help me?

this is the code I'm using

<% set shell=server.createobject("WScript.shell")
mess=shell.Run("c:\bat\test.bat", 2, true)

if(mess=0) then %>
<% else %>
didn't work
<% end if %>

make sure the permissions are not only for the folder, but the objects in it... sometimes the folder can be wide open but the files can still be grumpy and vice versa.

aKa - Robert
my files are also set to the IUS user
unless I'm missing something once I set the permissions.
any suggestions?
just a simple test to see you could set it the permissions to the everyone "user".

also try:
wshell.run("%comspec% /c c:\bat\test.bat", ", 0, True)
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