Hello all, I 'll make a small introduction of me, i am andreas from cyprus and i am a student of Management Information Systems. I just finished my second year and going for my third year.
I gained a job for two months , lets say something like an internship on an IT solution company. This is my second week. My boss have assigned to me to make an application for Employee Vacation Lisences. At first he told me he want it as a database but after because he told me that he wants it a bit more comblicated such as having a calendar that he can see which employee and when will have a lisence. He show me a sample/example of it and it was very similar to Microsoft Project , and then he told me i can make it with Project.
So i will start saying the requirements. For start, We want to save employee Name (easy) as also the Start and End date of the lisence (easy) and the Type of lisence , for example Annual,Sick,Personal and Other. So far all good and easy i can make some new columns and customize it to microsoft project as also to make a drop down list to be more user friendly.
The company have around 12 employees so the data that we will enter wont be to much.
In my mind , when my boss opens the project , i want him to see the names of all the employees and each employee will be linked with their lisence information.
For example, when he click to Andreas he will see the start/end date of lisence the type of the lisence and his name.
Also i want to calculate the sum of all lisence.
Here is the problem, i dont want project to calculate the DURATION. I will post now three links to see of what i am saying for.
On the first link you can see how is now my project , i customize it with the Manual control.
I dont want my boss to manual the control but i want the lisence to be calculated automaticly.
In the sample 3 u can see an example of what i am saying.
The first part of the lisence goes 2 days and the next 5 days. So in the duration i want 5+2=7 not 47 days.
What can i do for this ? also what do you think about my structure and generally any thoughts and suggetions would be perfect
I gained a job for two months , lets say something like an internship on an IT solution company. This is my second week. My boss have assigned to me to make an application for Employee Vacation Lisences. At first he told me he want it as a database but after because he told me that he wants it a bit more comblicated such as having a calendar that he can see which employee and when will have a lisence. He show me a sample/example of it and it was very similar to Microsoft Project , and then he told me i can make it with Project.
So i will start saying the requirements. For start, We want to save employee Name (easy) as also the Start and End date of the lisence (easy) and the Type of lisence , for example Annual,Sick,Personal and Other. So far all good and easy i can make some new columns and customize it to microsoft project as also to make a drop down list to be more user friendly.
The company have around 12 employees so the data that we will enter wont be to much.
In my mind , when my boss opens the project , i want him to see the names of all the employees and each employee will be linked with their lisence information.
For example, when he click to Andreas he will see the start/end date of lisence the type of the lisence and his name.
Also i want to calculate the sum of all lisence.
Here is the problem, i dont want project to calculate the DURATION. I will post now three links to see of what i am saying for.
On the first link you can see how is now my project , i customize it with the Manual control.
I dont want my boss to manual the control but i want the lisence to be calculated automaticly.
In the sample 3 u can see an example of what i am saying.
The first part of the lisence goes 2 days and the next 5 days. So in the duration i want 5+2=7 not 47 days.
What can i do for this ? also what do you think about my structure and generally any thoughts and suggetions would be perfect