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Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

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Oct 9, 2003
ok guys, ive visited the ff. faq:

and it seems that it wasnt able to solve my problem.

i get that error with this sql string:
sqlnewuser = "INSERT INTO tblinfo (datereg, timereg, firstname, lastname, birthday, birthmonth, birthyear, gender, sexuality, address, country, zip, email, password, newsletter, enotification, dmg)"
sqlnewuser = sqlnewuser & " VALUES (#"& date &"#,#"& time &"#,'"& firstname &"','"& lastname &"',"& birthday &",'"& birthmonth &"',"& birthyear &",'"& gender &"','"& sexuality &"','"& address &"','"& country &"','"& zip &"','"& email &"','"& password &"',"& newsletter &","& enotification &","& dmg &")"

i tried checking the sql reserved words and i cant find any of them that ive used.

i tried to debug by using response.write and pasting it in the query portion of ms access, and it works.

what could be the problem? any comments?

If birthmonth is a numeric field rather than string, then don't use the apostrophe delimiters.
..."& birthday &",[COLOR=red]'[/color red]"& birthmonth &"[COLOR=red]'[/color red],"& birthyear &",'"& gender &"',...

should be:
,..."& birthday &","& birthmonth &","& birthyear &",'"& gender &"',

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first.
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thanks sheco. i was able to fix it up.

however, i have this problem..
now this error gives me the shakes.

ive been trying to retrieve a group id w/c is numeric. i was able to pull it out (by response.write) and i am thinking of using it as a reference to another table that contains records of pics. both the tables have a group id column.

but whenever i try to run it, it generates that error. but when i try to debug, i was able to get the group id anyway:

SELECT * FROM photodb WHERE groupid = 1

but when i try to remove the response.end, it shows the error!!!

any feedbacks?

i dont see pulling records from two tables here...

SELECT * FROM photodb WHERE groupid = 1

you need something like

SELECT * FROM photodb INNER JOIN table2
ON photodb.myID=table2.myID WHERE groupid = 1


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