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Microsoft ASP & Apache

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Sep 5, 2002
Hi everyone,

I am moving a site to an Apache web server and the site contains microsoft ASP. So of course there are a number of problems. Could I get some suggestions on what I might want to do. I am really lost...I know Microsoft ASP but next to nothing about Apache. I would really appreciate any suggestions...I need a place to start..

I am interested in all suggestions...big or small..thanks.

Try this :

It should allow you to move your .asp pages over 'as is' for the most part. You may want to run it under mod-perl which is a whole other thing to deal with. Very powerful but may be difficult for the first-timer to set-up.
Do you think I will run into many problems converting from Microsoft:ASP to Apache:ASP?

If you are using VBScript as your language, 100% yes.

Since Apache::ASP is free take a few hours and give it a shot. Let us know :)

Write a c++ program or a vb prog that will convert your asp to php and your dbs to MySQL. Problem easily solved
I don't mean to sound ignorant...but you are kidding... right? HondaSir?

concidering the time and cost of learning a new programing lang and porting a application just telling some one to switch for no other reson other than the software is free is not always the best option. useing mysql makes sense but only becuse there is little diferance in sql syntaxt between mysql and access/msqql ado usage. but to say oh switch to php is like saying "hey use this car insted of the car you have but you will have to run it on pink lemonade...even though you have lots of fuel for the car you already have" what it boils down to is what do you know and what is avaliable that matches what you know. better to spend 400 bucks and get what you need than waste thousands of hours doing something else.

That's funny. I could have sworn Elliot3's post containted the text, &quot;I am interested in all suggestions...big or small..thanks.&quot;

Waitaminit...It does!

Who saidn anything about switching languages simply because it was free?

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Thanks all!!
I think that sometimes its hard to understand exactly how people mean the things they type...its just text...lets not get angry at one another..

Thanks again for all the suggestions...the site I am refering to is not incredibly huge so I think tomorrow I will begin to try and translate the site from microsoft:asp to apache:asp...I am still open to further suggestions..


Yes...the apache:asp is perl based. I have never looked at perl before. It doesn't look all that bad?!?

Do you think its pretty difficult?

Perl is a good language, though it's a little idiosyncratic. Keep in mind that the language is structured for speed of parsing: Variable references don't have types, they have contexts which give the parser clues as to what you're referencing in code. Variable passing to subroutines is literally a stack manipulation operation. Operators are a little odd in some cases. Let ready to grok regular expressions.

I don't know what programming experience you have outside of VBScript, but a lot of people have reported having a easier time going from VBScript to PHP than VBScript to perl.

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I only have a couple years experience. But I think that there may be a misunderstanding...the site actually uses javaScript not vbScript...which should be fine either way as that scripting is done on the client side by the browser...isnt it?? Its the (microsoft)ASP that cannot run on the apache server and thus needs to be changed to apache:asp...or am i missing something?

both vbscript and javascript can run on the server side as well

Often times ASP pages are written server side in vbscript.

If you are not using server side vbscript your asp may work out of the box with Apache::ASP.

I say try it, see what happens.
It doesn't work...ASP might as well be vbScript as they are both microsoft ideas...i read that the thing is that in the windows environment (IIS) it comes with the interpreter for asp/vbScript and of course apache is not microsoft and does not offer that...which i guess is where chiliSoft comes into play..

anyone know a good site to get info on apache::asp? other than the apache::asp site?

for instance i would like to know if i can say

if (not $Session->{logged})

would that test to see if my variable 'logged' was false? im sure ill have many questions like this...i am unable to simply test it at the moment as i do not have access to the apache server...good books or sites??


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