@Frozza i am running 5.6 on my lab and its not running nor printing reports properly, especially from autosequences. Some other users posted similar issues. Wondering if 5.6 has been patched or if you are running 5.6 successfully live?
@Wildbar am using 5.4 mr 3 and I cant seem to run the reports UWS is this the same issue you are getting? if not Have you added the 15 roles on micros server? i have also noticed that sometimes sqlanywhare16 when installed it misses (Driver and setup DWORD in the registry this should be added and path to point where they sqlanyware is installed)
There are still issues with multifunctional Printers.
If a driver is sending back information like "Paper finish" the reportexporter.exe can not handle this and hang and hang and hang. until you kill the task.
That was a explaining (years ago) from MICROS Europe. use another printer driver, like hp laserjet 2000 series or hp deskjet 500/550.
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