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Sep 10, 2012
Hi guys. This is my first time doing more than a single KDS, and I have a bit of a weird issue (probably because it is improperly setup).

The site has 6 KDS. 3 are prep stations, and 2 are EXPO that kitchen themes can enable and disable (this is working great). The last KDS is a dessert KDS in another separated part of the kitchen, and they are autonomous.

Originally I had no bump from expo unless prep is done, but it was causing issues because having a check with dessert and regular items on it would mean neither station could bump until everything was done. Also, recalling a check on either expo recalled it on dessert as well (and vice versa) which caused duplicate orders to be made. I unchecked that option (didn't really need it, just a safeguard against accidental bump). The issue then became that bumping something on dessert also bumped the entire ticket from the other expo screen, even though they weren't done with any of the items.

OK - I made the dessert KDS a Prep screen instead. Bumping from Dessert no longer bumps from either Expo KDS, and recalling tickets on the Expo was no longer recalling checks to dessert. New issue though.. recalling on any prep station recalls to expo as well, which isn't so bad on the three prep actually in the kitchen, but bad when dessert recalls. It confuses the heck out of the expediter because they have no idea what happened.

Any ideas on how to tell the system these are fully separate and to stop bumping things or recalling things based on the other side of the kitchen? I suspect I need to use that distribution group thing or something, but I"m not sure.
Could you explain a little more about your configuration. Currently we have configured 2 Revenue Center and the preparation was divided into regular, fried and breakfast products. We have no problems with bumps.
If the dessert station is autonomous, do the orders have to go to the expo line? My KDS sites had a similar situation until we realized that the expo really had nothing to do with the dessert station.
Thing is, they don't. Its just that for some reason they are getting linked if there are items on the check that to both stations, though the items don't actually display at both locations. For example, funnel frys go to the Fry Station KDS and the Dessert stations KDS. So if I have:

Funnel Frys

And then bump it Dessert, and at Expo, everything works fine, no matter what order you bump things in. If you recall at the Expo station it doesn't cause any issues either. Buuuut.. if you recall at the dessert station it ends up recalling at the Expo station, even though the Expo station only shows the hamburger. Its weeeeird.
I've never put a recall button on a non-Expo screen before, but it almost sounds like the dessert KDS still thinks it's an Expo somehow, based on the fact that it's doing a Recall All.
When you fire an order to the kitchen with items that are only going to dessert, but you also have other items at the same time, the entire order is married together regardless of where it's going. There can NEVER be 2 expos in MICROS, only 1. If you truly want dessert items to be separate, you need to fire them separately to the kitchen. Personally I would create 2 'courses' (not fpm), "regular dining" and "dessert" I would then assign those courses to the menu item classes. Then in touchscreens you can add a new buttom called 'select course' then create a button called 'fire selected'. This will highlight the various courses in the check detail then only fire what is selected. You could macro this to happen in one clean step as well. You may also want to add a hold button as well in the event you dont want to fire the second course as yet.

any group of items sent to the kitcehn in MICROS, will always be married together unless fired separate.
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