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Micros Journal Viewer 2

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Aug 29, 2005
With the EJ Organizer apparently going end-of-life, I needed something to help dig through the journal files and started writing something in my spare time a few days ago. I figured it might help some of the folks here, so I threw a copy onto my google drive here.

It uses .Net 4.5 and is compiled as a 32 bit application. This is mainly the features of EJ Organizer that I used frequently, and a few that I always wished were there; for instance, opening multiple journals and having them sort all chits by time. You can also highlight search results and select different colors for different searches. There's no printing yet, but it's easy enough to copy/paste the results. I've used the printing maybe 4 times in 17 years so it wasn't really a high priority for me.

Anyway, let me know if it helps anybody. I prettied it up from my ugly dev version so it looks at least halfway finished, but their's almost no error handling yet. I'll try to get at least that part of it done in the near future, but at least it should be mostly usable in it's current state.
Congrats on the attempt.
The below journal fails to be read the below journal with the error "Conversion from string "23M ar 2012 10:43 43" to type 'Date' is not valid

Tbl 1/1 Chk 1373 Gst 0
401 Operator 1 Server
CE: 401 CC: 3 TC: 3
Trn 322 23Mar'12 10:43
Eat In
Cancelled 0.00
Tbl 1/1 Chk 1374 Gst 1
401 Operator 1 Server
CE: 401 CC: 3 TC: 3
Trn 323 23Mar'12 10:44
Eat In
Cancelled 0.00

Do you want some custom SIM scripts developed. Contact me via my website
Can you post that chit? I'd like to see the date string.
Ok. I was looking at that on my phone and didn't realize it was the chit itself.

What version of Micros is this from? It looks like this is just an issue parsing the transaction line, and your journal is formatted differently that the ones I've got. All of my locations have the header info right or left justified:

Tbl 223/1 Chk 6000 Gst 3
1054 Johnson Pcws 02
CE: 1054 CC: 11 TC: 11
Trn 7954 Sep20'14 07:06PM
2 Fiji Still 16.00
Subtotal 16.00
Tax 1.42
07:06PM Total Due 17.42
Ah! You're using European dates; I hadn't even thought of that. I'll throw a pattern match in there tonight for conditional parsing.
That was an easier fix than I thought. The next version is Here
Awesome and much needed !!
I tried a few times to write something like this.
Thanks Robert. I've tried a few times in the past as well but EJ Organizer was always around so there was no urgency.
Yep. That's all I have. If the 9700 journals are different, and you can post one, I'll try to get it working.
Thank you! Great work! I'll put another beer on your tab!
Hello pmegan,

I am getting the error in the image probably due to a foreign language in the journals.
I don't know if this can be worked out, anyway thanks for the tool and the help you provide.


Msa 8/1 Fra 910 Cli 0
2140 xxxxx CAJA12-122
CE: 2140 CC: 12 TC: 12
Trn 4002 11Mar'15 08:45
Hi Ilor. That's probably the issue.

Are these the correct mapping a from your sample chit:
Msa - table
Fra - check
Cli - guest count
CAJA12-122 is the workstation name

If those are correct I can probably edit the parsing a bit. The tree on the left would still be in English though.
@pmegan, ok, For the most part it seems to list them properly, but a few things are off. I will post a few screen shots of it with 9700 journals and some journals when I have a moment today.
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