I am starting to notice a common problem when trying to install 5.0 (win 7 32bit) Pre Req's load fine.... During initial install, the system seems to endlessly hang while it registers the COM servers: .RvcChkCntImport then hangs for days.... Any thoughts?
I didn't see this problem. I have seen it while running the upgrading, but clicking through works fine. Did you follow all of the steps listed in the manual? There are quite a few..
So I am working on a customer to Upgrade to 5.0 and have run across this issue. Could I please get that link that everyone is saying works so well so I can get this fixed? Thanks in advance.
I had this happen the first time I tried to load Res 5. Turned out to be the UAC settings in my case. I turned them up to "always notify", reran the installer and everything worked. Seems there's a prompt that has to be answered around that point that gets suppressed if the UAC setting is too low and the install just hangs waiting for an answer.
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